Chapter 12 He Said Yes

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Thomas quickly just left the school, feeling a strange sense of embarrassment. He wasn't sure if Carter figured out that he likes him, and was really not wanting to get rejected, especially not like that. He was going to walk home with him, but he decided not to for today, and just quickly walked down the sidewalk. Clutching his bag strap, with his head hung down.

But then he heard a voice coming from behind him.


Thomas gasped, snapping out of his daze, looking up. He stopped walking, then turned his head to the left of him, then fully turned around.

"C-Carter?" Thomas said. Carter just walked up to him. "Hey, why did you leave without me?" He asked. "I-I.. Uh..." Thomas didn't know what to say. "Come on, lets walk together from here." Carter gave a friendly shove to Thomas's arm, leaving Thomas blinking at him. 'Did... He not understand what Abby meant?' He thought to him. Thomas was thinking this, but he didn't move, he just sat there watching Carter. So, when Carter realized Thomas was nowhere near him, he got concerned. "T-Thomas? Why are you still back there?"

Thomas shook his head. "I-I I'm coming!" Thomas's face went red as he started to walk forward.

Once he caught up with Carter, they both started to walk together. For a few seconds, Thomas didn't say anything, and it was a little silent. But, Carter broke the ice. "Um... Is what Abby said true?"

'Oh no...' Thomas thought to himself. His entire face went red, and he slowly turned his head to Carter's. "Um..."

Carter then looked at him. His cute little face, that Thomas thought looked ever cuter at that moment. Thomas looked the other way. "Y-Yes..."

It was silent for a bit.

"I never knew you liked me." Carter said. "When did you?"

Thomas had liked Carter, literally the first day he meet him. It was when he changed schools. He never used to live in Toronto. He lived in the United States, and before that, England. When he was going to live on the Island his dad bought, that was the plan. To live there. But changes happened and he had to move to the US. But after a year, they moved to Canada. When he was living in the United States, he had no friends. Despite the trauma he has for accidentally crushing people at a young age with his engine form, he still really loves trains. And for most people who loves trains, that's bully central. It was also part of the reason why he moved, or, why his dad moved themselves. Thomas used to get harassed by other kids for his love for trains, since they weren't cool enough, and it made him feel way more insecure of his power. Coming to a new country, and a new school, he figured the same thing would happen, which is why he kept literally everything secret about him.

But then he saw Carter. It was the walk from school, and Carter was in front of him on the sidewalk. Thomas saw the something drop from the boy in front of him, it was a pencil. It was one of those pencil that have decorations on them. He picked it up, and was going to hand it to the kid. "Hey, you dropped this" He told them.

They turned around, and Thomas couldn't keep his eyes off of him at all. "Oh... Thanks, this is my favorite pencil, I should of put it in a better spot-"

They both started to walk together, and from then on they always walk home from school together. Plus, Carter was the first and only at the time, who Thomas had told about, his secret.


"Wow, you really had a crush on me the second I turned around?"

Thomas nodded slowly. "Y-Yeah..."

Thomas looked back at his friend. "Um... It's okay... If you don't want to go to the dance-"

"No.. I want to go with you."

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