Chapter 27 The Last Fight?

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Carter pulled Thomas behind him and stood in front of his boyfriend protectively. Nerraw finished summoning and stood in front of Tae. "Touch Thomas again, and I'll kill you," Carter said. Nerraw sighed. "What? When did you come in here? Wait... Ugh, it's the stupid tank engine and his boyfriend again, why can't I even fulfill my plans!"

Carter stared Nerraw down, as he was still standing in Thomas's way. Then, Tae started to drift in the air. Floating over to the wall. Leaving them exposed more to Nerraw. "You see that?" Nerraw said looking at Tae. "Since the Fictional Dimension was opened using Kingdom Hearts, anything that came after, followed Kingdom Heart's footsteps," Nerraw slowly walked over to them. "Hearts... Heartless... and Nobodies. All exist in these worlds. But it's not a big deal. I can use those logistics, to aid my plans,"

Nerraw stopped to look at Carter standing in front of Thomas protectively.

"You really think that you can defeat me alone? The only reason I didn't beat you before, was because of Mark," It said, with an angrier tone forming when it mentioned Mark's name. "If it wasn't for him, this dimension would have been mine!" Nerraw was about to slash Carter, but there was a force as soon as its arms fell, and it smacked Nerraw back about a few feet. "AHHHH!" They yelled.

Carter blinked at what happened. He looked around, then at Thomas.

Once his eyes looked at Thomas, he saw the white orb on the necklace glowing. "W-Woah..." Carter said. Thomas looked at the necklace, then at Carter. Then, at Nerraw who was on the ground.

Thomas took off the necklace. He's had enough of Nerraw. "Thomas? What are you doing?" He asked as he saw Thomas walking forward. Thomas didn't care what Carter was saying at the moment. He wasn't even sure if what he was going to do, would even work. He quickly marched up to the knocked-out Nerraw, kneeled, about to pin him, but then Nerraw shot up, then grabbed Thomas by his neck.

"Thomas!" Carter yelled.

"I should have done this a long time ago," Nerraw said.

But before Nerraw could apply any more strength, Thomas took the necklace and rammed it into Nerraw. The light in the orb activated, and it shocked Nerraw, causing them to drop Thomas.

Both he and Nerraw dropped to the ground, but Carter quickly caught Thomas.

Thomas gently pushed Carter off of him. Holding the necklace in his hands, he quickly made his way behind Nerraw, and strung the necklace around the shadow person's neck, the light orb directly Nerraw's throat area.

Thomas yanked it, and Nerraw yelped in pain. With the light being so close to Nerraw, it was hurting it badly. "AHHH! GET OFF ME!" They yelled. Nerraw was strong. Despite being contained by the light magic, he was still strong enough to almost throw Thomas to the ground.

But Thomas kept his balance and pulled on the necklace more. But there was a weak spot to Thomas, and Nerraw managed to throw Thomas off of him.

Carter didn't know what to do. He wanted to help. But there was no way he could fight this thing. One wrong move and he'd be gone.

Nerraw gasped, holding his neck. He was glitching badly. Thomas harmed him from what he did with the necklace. "Y-You fucking idiot..." Nerraw said weakly. Nerraw tried to walk to Thomas, but he couldn't.

Thomas used that to his advantage, as he got up. He held the necklace and started to swing it around. Slamming and hitting it into Nerraw, right into his face, and body. "Get out of my dimension!" Thomas yelled as he smacked it in Nerraw's face. Nerraw got flung back, but Thomas ran up and continued to slash the orb into his enemy. Nerraw tried to block the hits with his arms, but that couldn't work. Because the light even hurt his arms. "Leave my home alone!" Thomas yelled.

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