Chapter 8 Another Nightmare

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"Hey... You alright?"

Thomas stood by the stall door, about to leave the restroom, then turned around to his friend. "Y-Yeah? What?" He asked. He was hoping that Carter wasn't reading his emotions. "You look, and sound stressed. You doing alright?"

Thomas didn't just want to flat out say that he likes him. And especially not just right here in the middle of the restroom door. "Yeah, I told you. I'm doing ok." Thomas turned around, and pushed the door, and walked out. He held it open for his friend. Carter walked out, then let the door close behind him, then he looked at Thomas in his face. "You know, if your engine keeps coming out, you probably really need to start to practice on using it properly." Carter told him folding his arms. But that wasn't it at all. Sure, he still is having a big problem with his engine, but right now, this 'stressed' face Carter was seeing, wasn't because of Thomas's engine problems. But he sure didn't want to correct him right now. "Hey, I'll talk to you later. You got PE right?" Carter asked. Thomas nodded. "Yeah. I have to get back too, since I don't have a hall pass."

"Yeah, you should so that. Wouldn't want you to get into trouble, I'll see you later." Carter walked up to Thomas, giving him a quick hug, then leaving to get to his class. But Thomas just stood there watching his friend leave. "He... does hug me a lot." He said to himself. Did that mean he liked him? Or was it just Carter's way of showing platonic love?

Then, Thomas realized that he rarely ever hugs Carter. At least, the one to hug him first. "I... might do that later." Thomas thought. "A step in the..." He was going to say "right" direction, but he wasn't confident in saying that. "Well... a step in just a direction. Blind." He said, and turned around. "I hope the PE teacher didn't know I left."

Luckily, the PE teacher hadn't noticed one student dipped out the class without a hallpass. Thomas was most surprised at that, but didn't question it as it had worked out in his favor. He thought he was in the clear. He noticed Mei over at the end of the fence, talking with her friend Tyler. Mei kind of looked worried, and even Tyler did too. "Huh? What's going down?" He said to himself. He walked over to them, cutting through the other kids playing basketball. As he got closer, Mei turned her head towards him. "Thomas!" She exclaimed. It startled Thomas a little. "W-What is it?"

"Dude, why you keep running to the bathroom like that?" Tyler asked. Then, Mei quickly ran to the side of Thomas, making Thomas quickly looked down at her confused. Then, she quickly whispered. "Is it because of the paper you where writing on?" She asked. "Uh..." Thomas didn't know what else to say, because Tyler was there. And he was the whole reason he had panicked. Tyler shook his head at him. "What, do you have a diarrhea or something?" He asked.

"Ugh, Tyler! Gross!" Mei said. Tyler laughed. "Well, someone explain why this guy keeps running to the bathroom every minute?"

Thomas still had the paper in his pocket, and he took it out, without Tyler seeing. 'I have to go with my plan.'


The final bell of the day rang. All the kids ran out of the classroom, and nearly trampled Thomas. It was Friday, so that explains all the craziness. Thomas was looking forward for just two days to just relax. He thought maybe that's all he needs. All the excitement that happened this week, was way more than what happened in his life time for a while. A nice relaxing weekend. He had got his belongings, and walked out the door. He hasn't forgotten about his plan. "Ok, just walk up to Carter, and hug him first." He said to himself. He was so worried that he was going to mess it up, and look, and act weird. He was really doubting himself. "Ugh, I can't do this. I'll look silly." He said. But then he thought how Carter always does it, with not a single care. "Ok..... If he can, so can I..." Thomas shook his head, "Ugh, I'm an idiot." As he was walking through the corridor of the school, he saw Carter coming out of his classroom. He didn't notice Thomas, and he looked tired as usual. He started to walk towards the to place all the kids where heading to: The main door.

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