Chapter 16 Nerraw

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All of them where stuck inside this strange pulsating gold globe, as this boy and this darkness covered being was outside of it. "D-Dudes... What should we do?" Miriam whispered to them. "It still looks fluffy..." Abby randomly said. "Enough with that!" Mei yelled to Abby quietly. "We need to get out of here..."

"But how?" Thomas asked. Carter shook his head at them. "No. This dude with this strange key shaped thing, is clearly on our side. It seems he wants to protect us..." He mentioned. He turned his head, looking at one direction of the gold force field. Carter remembered how the dark creature, Nerraw as it said it's name was, refers to the older boy as 'Mark'.

This Mark character, stood there, gripping his key weapon tightly as it stared down Nerraw. "What is happening!" Robaire yelled. He sat up, just after falling down to the ground, and all he saw was Mark and Nerraw just in one position.

Nerraw lifted a arm, and in a fast and swift motion, he flashed it and a dark misty substance flew threw the air, heading for Mark. SLASH

Mark was also fast and swift. He was very agile with his weapon, and he blocked the dark mist. It slammed into the key, then disappeared.

Everyone gasped from how fast it happened. The dark figure looked like it gave no warning, and Mark was still able to counter it's attack.

Nerraw chuckled. An evil chuckle. "Dark-Blade has trained you well, hasn't he?"

Mark clenched his weapon. "Stay a little longer, and I might be able to train you..."

"Hrfm. I don't deal with traitors..." Nerraw started to float in the air.

"Ohhhh okkk... So this is happening..." Robaire said, looking up with his eyes wide open at Nerraw up in the air. "Where is my flip phone when I need it, I need to record this..." Abby said. "What, that's the least of our problems!" Miriam said.

"I never was a traitor to you!" Mark yelled at him. "No, but the person who trained you was." Nerraw flew down towards Mark, in a lightning fast pace, but Mark aimed his weapon up, and quickly slapped them away. Nerraw got thrown to the side, but that didn't stop them, they quickly got their balance back, then lurched off of the ground, flying towards Mark close to the floor of the Skydome. Everyone inside the field Mark created, was watching in horror as they saw Nerraw floating about the ground, going at a nerve wreaking speed, but, whoever trained Mark, must of did a good job for him to even dodge this one.

He blocked the attack, but Nerraw seemed like he vanished, but then they telported behind Mark, grabbing him by his neck, throwing him bashing him into the wall. "Hey! That's cheating!" Abby yelled at Nerraw.

-End music-

Nerraw slowly turned his head her way. "Oh no... Abby what did you do?" Miriam said. Nerraw started to slowly glide over to them. "Uh..." Carter said. "Abby!" Mei yelled at her.

They all where worried, because the force what Nerraw used on Mark, seemed like it knocked him out. Now there was no one to defend them against Nerraw. "....This is where I die..." Abby said covering her face. "This is where we all die, never piss off the bad guy!"

Nerraw chuckled as he got closer. "You characters think you're any match for me?"

"Characters?" Jesse asked

Abby looked up from her hands. "Yeah, keep on talking I'll pound you!"

"Abby, SHUSH!" Mei yelled. Tae put a hand on Abby's shoulder.

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