Chapter 1

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The exciting thing about meeting and getting to know someone for the first time, is that you never know, they could end up being 'the one.' ~Unknown


Ellie's P.O.V

Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Why can't I just find one that gives me a good salary? This is not good. Dad told me if I can't get a good job with a good salary, I can't live on my own. Oh, come on? I'm 18. I am legally an adult and old enough to get my own house. Maybe more of an apartment because, you know, its cheaper. I want to live on my own because I want to be independent. Oh! By the way, I'm Eliana. Mostly known as Ellie. I'm now in high school. Last year. I need to find a job by next week! Just then I got a call. I checked the caller ID. Annabelle. I stared at the screen. To pick up or let it play? The ring tone was one of my favourite song, Crazy Kids by Ke$ha. Plus, the ringtone suited Annabelle. I mean, she is crazy... Oh what the Chris Brown! I'll just answer it!

Annabelle: Hey Ellie...

Me: What? 

Annabelle: Well...I know you are kinda angry so I got you a sorry gift.

Me: Shoot.

Annabelle: I got you a job and it pays well.

I paused. Was I hearing right? Annabelle got me a job? 

Annabelle: Hello? Did you hear me? 

Me: No... could you repeat that?

Annabelle: *Sigh* I. Said. I. Got. You. A. Job. That. Pays. Well. 

She used the tone an impatient mother use on her 2 year-old. Well woman? Excuse me for asking you to repeat! Wait... she DID say I got a job!

Me: What? Really? You are not joking right? Because you cannot play with my heart like that!

Annabelle: Woah woman! Chill out! Don't damage my hearing! *chuckles* Anyway, wear a casual outfit and meet me at Nando's. The usual one.

Nando's? Why? Maybe she's treating me to the oh-so delicious peri peri chicken!  

Me: Ok! See ya. 

I removed the phone from my ear was about the end the call when I heard a loud "Wait!"

Me: What?

Annabelle: Do.. erm.. Do you er.. maybe forgive me? 

I gave a dramatic and loud sigh. Me: Of course Annabelle. Yes, I do forgive you.

Annabelle: Yay! I'm leaving now. Get your but off the sofa and come now.

Hold your fire trucks... How the mangos did she know I was on my 'L' shaped sofa? 

Me: How did you know I was on the sofa?

Annabelle: Look out your window. 

That little stalker! 

Me: You.. You stalker! How did you get here so fast anyway? 

Annabelle: I live in the house opposite yours... DUH. 

Me: Pffftt! I knew that!

Annabelle: Sure you did. Now c'mon!

Me: Coming. See ya. 

I quickly changed from my rainbow coloured pyjama shorts and dressed in a casual outside outfit.  I wore a pair of black shorts with a Red hoodie saying, "Finally 18". I hurriedly straightened my hair with some loose curls and ran out of the house. Oopsie Daisy! I forgot to write a note for Mom. I mad a mental note to send her a message. 

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