Chapter 5

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Soaking wet Y/n entered her house. She was done with him. She would just do the project alone, write notes downwhat he needs to say and present it with him together.


„I need to take that, be back in a few." he said while standing up and going out of the coffe shop. He left Y/n and she waited patiently. ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes, fourty minutes, fourtyfive minutes.. „What is he doing so long?" Y/n mumbled. „I'm sorry miss but we are closing right now, you need to leave." the waitress said that asked for Sunas number. Y/n got out of the coffee shop and looked at her phone. Should she call the twins if they could pick her up? Should she text Suna? No, the best is if she's just going home. Y/n was like twenty minutes far from the house when it started raining. „Great" she mumbled and started going faster.

End of flashback

Y/ns phone started ringing, it was Suna.. she just let it ring and ignored it. After a few seconds it ringed again, Y/n got annoyed and picked it up. „The fuck you want now? You just leaved me there and now you're calling me? Let me just tell you one thing asshole-" Y/n started. „Uh, Y/n? I'm not the person that you think.." Osamu said. Y/ns eyes widened. „Oh my god! I'm so sorry, it's just that something happened to me and i'm not in the mood right now." Y/n said. „It's okay, sorry for calling, i'm gonna let you have your time, call me or Tsumu if you need anything." he said calmly. „Thanks" Y/n whispered in the phone and hung up.

Y/n was going down to her kitchen to grab a snack. She wanted to call Mei and tell her about everything. She always was there for Y/n no matter what. Y/n took out an icecream of her fridge and took a spoon. She took her phone and pressed on a contact.

Calling Dumbshit😔💅...

„Heyyy!" Meis happy voice echoed trough the phone. „Hey, could we talk..?" Y/n said unsure. „Yeah sure, what happened?" Mei asked. „It's about Suna again.." Y/n said while taking a spoonful of icecream. „Girl, could it be possible that Suna just wants to annoy you so you will pay attention to him?" Mei asked while smirking. „What? You're crazy. He's not the type." Y/n said. „How would you know? You don't even know him a little." Mei said. „I know him enough that i can tell you that he's an asshole." Y/n said while angrily standing up from the chair. „Okay, sorry, what happened? Tell me. Wait, no, i will come over and we'll do a girls night." Mei said. „But-" „See you in ten!" Mei said already hanging up. Y/n just sighed but was thankful that she had a friend like that.

„Heyyy" Mei hugged Y/n while getting into her house. „Hi, what do you wanna do tonight?" Y/n asked her. She almost completely forgot about what happened the last days. „I don't know, spilling tea a little?" Mei said while smirking and holding up two bags of snacks. „Hell yeah!" Y/n shouted and excitdetly took one of the bags.

„Not gonna lie, but Atsumu is pretty hot.." Mei said while giggling. „First of all, ew, second of all, what the fuck." Y/n said while eating chips. „Oh come on! Admit that he's hot!" Mei whined. Y/n looked at Mei serious. „I'm never gonna fall in love again or like someone. You know what happened last time." Y/n said while taking a look on her phone. „I guess you're right.." Mei sighed and putted down the icecream she was eating. „Let's prank call." She said smirking. Y/n raised an eyebrow but joined Mei on the couch. „We're first gonna call on my phone. Let's call a pizzeria." Mei said while dialing a number. It rang three times and then finally someone picked up. „Welcome to -, how can i help you?" Mei looked at Y/n. „What should i say?" Mei mouthed. Y/n shrugged. „Hello?" The person on the other side asked. Mei hung up and bursted out laughing. After some seconds Y/n joined her and fell of the couch what made the two laugh even more.

„Hey, bitch." Mei whispered to Y/n. The two were in pajamas and watching a horror movie. „Why are you whispering? Anyway, what?" Y/n whispered back. „I wanna go to walmart and do some shit." Mei said while smirking. „You know that i find this is a completely stupid idea, but lets go." Y/n said while grabbing her jacket and going out of the house.

„Y/n! Push me!" Mei said while sitting in a shopping cart. „Fine" Y/n said while rolling her eyes. „Wooo! Wait, grab some snacks! I want oreos!" Mei shouted. Y/n took some snacks and threw it on Mei. „Mhh, i love those." Mei said while licking her lips. „Don't eat it yet, we need to pay." Y/n said. „You mean you need to pay." Mei said while looking at Y/n. „You piece of shit. Anyway, lets grab some snacks for the twins too." Y/n said while grabbing some chips. „Ohhh, are we gonna pay them a visit?" Mei said. „Do not hope, i'm gonna give it to them when we go to school together." Y/n said while ruffling Meis hair. „Meanie." Mei said while holding two packs of chips.

„I really can't believe we got kicked out because of you." Y/n said while holding the bag of snacks. „Good thing they let me pay.." she sighed. „Oh, i'm sorry, but i found this huge squishmallow so cute, i just wanted it.." Mei pouted. „Yeah and then you somehow managed it that the box full of balls fell and all the balls were rolling around." Y/n said while walking with Mei. „I have a question.." Mei said. „Hm?" Y/n hummed. „Don't you wanna text Suna because of what happened?"

An: I have sooo many ideas of what to do, i don't even know where my head is... anyway, i hope you liked this chapter!

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