Chapter 3

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„Y/n! Get your lazy ass out of bed! We are going in ten." Osamu said while shaking Y/n awake. „What? No! It's Saturday.." Y/n said sleepy. „Yeah well not exactly, it's friday.." Osamu said rolling his eyes. „What? Oh shoot!" Y/n said while running trough her room to find her school uniform. „We'll wait outside." Atsumu said while dragging his twin brother with him. After ten minutes Y/n was going to school with the twins. Y/n didn't even look like she just woke up ten minutes ago. „How can you do that?" Atsumu asked shocked. He could never look good in any way if he would stand up ten minutes before he needs to go to school. Y/n grinned at Atsumu „And that's what you call magic."

„Y/n! Hey girl!" Mai said while hugging Y/n. „Hey." Y/n said while hugging Mai back. „Are you excited?" Mai said while grinning at Y/n. „For what?" she asked. „For the lesson that we have with this cute guy." Mai said. „Oh my god, stop calling him cute, he's an asshole." Y/n said while rolling her eyes. „Yeah yeah, just wait 'n see Y/n." Mai said while going to her class. „Cute boy? Who?" Atsumu asked Y/n who heard the whole conversation. „Not you" Y/n said while fixing her school uniform. „Y/n trying to be funny." Atsumu said. „Tsumu trying to be handsome." Y/n said while laughing. Osamu bursted out laughing and almost started crying.

„And how you see.." How boring. Y/n thought to herself. How much longer? She looked to the clock that was hanging at the wall. Twenty more minutes? You gotta be kidding.. Y/n thought while looking around the class bored. „Y/n, could you please repeat what i have said?" The teacher asked. Y/n stood up and took a look at the blackboard. She explained the theme for three minutes and was looking at the teacher. „Very good, thank you, you may take a seat again." The teacher said while turning around. Y/n sighed and took a seat. She already knew almost every single theme that the class looked at in this subject, so it was very boring for Y/n.

„Y/n, you fucking slayed it." Osamu said to Y/n while patting her back. It was lunchtime so the three were sitting at a table and talking about what happened earlier. Y/n looked at Atsumu. „Where will the trainings camp be?" she asked. „In Tokyo." Osamu said. „Really? How cool! I always wanted to be there-" „You're gonna be there to help our team, right?" Osamu asked. „Uh yeah sure!" Y/n said while smiling at him awkwardly. Atsumu and Osamu started arguing if ice tea peach or ice tea lemon was better. (What do you guys think? If you think peach write ‚team osamu' and if you think lemon then write ‚team atsumu' i'm just curious!) Oh god.. Y/n thought to herself. After that i have class with this Suna guy.. she thought. Maybe he won't even sit next to me? I hope so...

„Hello againnn" Mai said while slapping Y/ns back. „Ow! What was that for?" Y/n said while sitting down. „Hm, i don't know, just felt like it." She said while grinning. „Anyway, i'll be sitting here at the back so i can watch everything." Mai said while stepping back. „Tsk, so annoying." Y/n said while closing her eyes for a second. She opened them again and saw that Suna was directly going towards where she was sitting. Oh no, oh no, please do not.. He took the seat next to her and sat down. I'm giving up, why is he sitting next to me anyways? I mean, doesn't he have a girlfriend or something like that? Y/n thought. But she doesn't think he actually has a girlfriend. He didn't look amused when the girl from yesterday was flirting with him. Whatever. What does he even matter to me? We just need to do this project. It won't be difficult, will it be?

„Okay class, you can leave now." the teacher said while packing together. Y/n stood up and looked to the guy that was sitting next to her. „So we'll see us tomorrow in the library." She said to him. He just nodded. ... Y/n didn't even know anything about this guy. Will it even work out? „Uhm, how about we would first grab something to drink and talk a little before we start with the project tomorrow?" Y/n asked him. He just nodded again. „Great, lets still meet at the library at eleven am and go grab a drink. See you tomorrow." Y/n said while going out of the classroom.

„You piece of shit! You're doing that wrong!" Y/n and the twins were playing together minecraft after school to actually feel the weekend vibes. „Then come and do it better!" Atsumu said. He was trying to build a bigger house for the three but he was just messing up the whole thing. „Oh believe me, i will do that!" Y/n said while picking out the items she needed to build the house. „Uh guys.." Osamu said. „What?" Atsumu asked. „Our whole sheep family just died." Osamu said sadly. „What? How? Are you dumb or something?" Atsumu asked while going to Osamus charakter. „Yeah, i mean, he's your twin brother." Y/n said while building the house. „Oh my god could you just shut up for one second?" Atsumu asked annoyed. „Yeah, yeah whatever." Y/n said while she took a look at her phone if she had became new messages. She had actually:

I'll prob come a little bit later

Okay, thanks for telling.

„Y/n? You still there?" Osamu asked. „Yeah sorry, lets continue." Y/n said while moving her charakter around.

„Okay, goodnight." Y/n said while hanging up the phone and putting her headset down. Tomorrow she will meet Suna and will get to know him. Maybe Mei was right and he wasn't a bad person at all.

An: Idk where this sudden motivation comes from to write this story but it also makes a lot of fun.
I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistakes!

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Have a nice day/night! 🤍✨

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