Figure it out

75 5 1

There is no way in hell that– I then suddenly felt as if I banged my head hard on something and gasped for air. I looked around, I was in the broadcasting room...

Everything was clear to me now... at least most of it... the guy's face was so blurry but his name... I... why is it that I can't remember? It's as if the memories want me to figure it out myself... Maybe if I look in the library of the school I can see old student books... they would probably have a story about my passing.. Considering that I was a student and it was a sudden death... I guess from then on that's how I got my rumor... now that I realize how I died the rumor doesn't quite match what actually happened... but If I don't do what my rumor says... I'll pass on to the actual afterlife... I have unfinished business so that can't yet happen... How long have I been passed out?

I looked at the clock and saw that about a whole day had passed.. 3:50PM And no one has noticed I have been gone?! Psh.. Wait?! What if I missed a confession?! No! NO NO! I looked at myself in a cracked mirror... Nothing was messing.. I wasn't fading away... "Okay.." I murmured as I then slowly stood up.

"Why isn't anyone here..? Sakura is usually in here– oh... right she went to find cat guy... wait.. No- ermm it's the next day that's maybe.. they left school already? Gah but then why isn't Tsukasa here? It's not possible for him to leave school anyways... right?" I sighed annoyed from everything that had happened, knowing the stupid cause of my death is so weird... an unknown sickness and then there's this random girl... or- uh to me but I guess to my younger (alive) self, a friend, mouthing the words, "I know" like that's hella creepy-

I slowly stood up from the ground, my legs shaking, "ah," I looked down at my legs and saw them more transparent. "I guess I'm turning back to an apparition, I guess it only lasts for roughly a day." I sighed as I tried grabbing the bag with muffins but failed to do so. "Damn this." I groaned as I concentrated more energy on my hand, then I was able to grab the muffins. Even though am an apparition I have a craving for muffins.. Odd? Maybe being a human for a while makes me hungry..? Eh.. I don't know... let's see if these muffins are any good at all-

I brought my other hand close to the ribbon and untied it carefully. I pulled out a (flavor) muffin, it looked rather yummy... I put down the bag gently as I plopped down on the couch sighing heavily. I put my feet on the table and slouched down, moving my head back and bringing the muffin above my mouth.


The muffin was now in my mouth I began chewing and I stuck my tongue out and took off the wrapper. "It's... wow... it's surprisingly very good- maybe cause I haven't eaten anything in like... 55 years but yknow-!" I lowly chuckled.

She crumbled up the wrapper and stuffed it into my pocket. "I'm still hungry... why is my question..." I grumbled, slowly sitting up and walking up to the door. As I was going to try to jiggle the door open it opened by itself.

"Nawhh, what the actual fuck" I stepped back a bit as shivers went down my spine,

"Okay the only thing that scares me more than that is that I just felt actually scared for a second because of that."

"I remember doing this trick when I was a newbie apparition it's very old fashioned!" I huffed oddly annoyed already.

A soft breeze went through the crack of the door, and a soft voice was heard through the wind.

"I wake up after a wacky as fuck and then we have this shi–"

Klack klack

I quickly twisted my body back, noticing a book on the ground, "THE FUCK" I whispered walking slowly to the area. I noticed the tea leaves that Sakura gave me in a glass container, "ah, uh, thanks to whoever is trying to lead me to this and all but like- I want to change back to an apparition, not a huma–" A vase broke, revealing the antidote, "Uhh thanks? Why is it that I can't see you though–?" I questioned as I went to reach for it.

I grabbed it and looked at the note next to it, "A little goes a long way, too much won't end well,"

"Well, that's reassuring!" I took off the cap and dropped a bit into my mouth.

I looked down at my legs but they didn't look any more transparent than when I woke up. "It'll take a while to kick in, I suppose" I put the bottle back and looked at the book on the ground. "The 4 O'clock Library"

"Ah.. yes, I should head there, will you be following me, mystery person? Err sorry apparition." the book in my hands opened as if the wind was opening it but I knew better, knowing the apparition was looking for words to talk with. "A classic," I hummed.

"No" got underlined.

"Alright, but could you possibly tell me why I can't see you?? I am, myself, an apparition..."

The pages turned, underlining word by word, I read along,

"You are - partly - human - in this situation, - making - you're - senses - dull - up, - in your - human - form - there was probably a good chance - that you didn't have - 6th - sense. - Meaning that's why - your senses - at the moment - are - duller - than - someone - possessing - 6th - sense."

"Mmm, I guess turning into a human isn't the best huh, I guess in the earlier phase I was able to but when I was asleep it probably didn't let me see apparitions so right now I'm changing back meaning I, can't see you, correct?" I inhaled after the long sentence.


"Alright, I'll see you later I suppose, when I do turn back to a full apparition, for now, goodbye and thank you for your help Mx. Apparition" I smiled softly.

As I was about to put the book down a small little drawing was drawn onto the page, "(>'v'<)"

You giggled, "can't wait to meet you" I placed the book where it belonged and walked out.

"Ah... but where exactly is the library–"

A soft females voice could be heard through the wind, "here"

"Are you guiding me Mx. Apparition?" I smiled as I followed the soft humming of the nice breeze.


"I guess you're tagging along until we get to the library!" I smiled walking where the soft melody of their voice could be heard.

After a minute or so we arrived at our destination, "Thank you kindly" I said, stretching out my hand to open the door to the library.

"Hope I get this over with... it is quite boring without anyone to nag me I suppose... Oh dear, the Mokkes- I better check up on them later..." I sighed.


1202 words

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