First day of School-

555 15 24

 a/n: Hello guys and welcome~ I just want to say that all these characters (but y/n, Minako, and some other characters you will encounter throughout the story) do not belong to me but the rightful owner! 

Edit: 12/16/21~! I want to make it clear that I do NOT speak Japanese so please don't come at me... I should have just written it normally as in "English" and not have used Kun/san/chan but- I did watch some of TBHK in Japanese so I guess you could say I got carried away so if you feel offended in any way possible I am TRULY SORRY, I would change it all up.. but as of now It wouldn't go smoothly with the story.. please excuse me for that but other then all that.. I hope you enjoy <3 Again, my apologies!!! Have a great stay~!!


(Y/n) pov


I felt a wet feeling on my cheeks, I groaned as I tugged the blanket over my face and rolled around my bed annoyed, my eyes were so heavy I didn't even try to budge them open. I heard a few meowing noises and sighed, I pulled the blanket down a bit as I tried to open my eyes slightly but they felt heavier than ever. It took a bit for me to open them but when I did I saw my cat, Mochi, licking my face again. 

It ticked, "Ay- hey hey, Mochi, stop that, it tickles--" I giggled lowly as my words were all slurred,  "Alright girl I get it," I sighed heavily because I was really tired and at the point pretty dizzy, I rubbed my eyes as I inhaled and exhaled a bit, preparing myself for this let down of a day.

Mochi meowed in a painful sound as if she was dying. She does this almost every morning though... How overly dramatic huh? I chuckled to myself, she was just hungry, this was a daily routine for her, so I stood up groggily from my bed after I stretched a little bit. My back cracked so loudly I thought I broke it. "God damn..." I then picked up Mochi and opened the door to my room. 

The floorboards creaked a bit and I winced from the noise, "Geez" I said as I carefully carry Mochi downstairs. I looked around to see if anyone was there but I didn't see anyone so I went to the kitchen and quietly opened a cabinet. My mom had recently gone grocery shopping so there was cat food for Mochi, unlike the other day when there was barely any for her, I felt bad for the poor girl.

"You're in luck Mochi, there's cat food after all." I smiled.

I had a faint smile on my face, I was so tired because I couldn't go to sleep last night thinking about all the stuff that had recently happened... I moved here from (place you live in) to somewhere near a school called- Kamome Academy. I had to move because my parents had found a really good job that would pay them twice as much money as their old job did. I was happy for them- truly I was but- my friends.. I had left them, but then again not like school over there was generally good anyways, however, what if I was the new weird kid?  God, that must suck. I guess there would be other new students too but- I sighed overthinking once again. "No wonder I couldn't fcking sleep" I groaned, "this crap is tiring-"

My friends and I came to an agreement though, I would always call them every so often so they knew I was doing alright. I loved that Idea, to be honest. Even if we were all apart we will always be together in a way, as cringy as that may sound. Before I left we all made friendship bracelets. We all combined our first initial together and it turned out that all our names combined spelled-'(insert here)' It's silly, yes- but, It was perfect at the same time.. Before I could finish my thoughts Mochi's warm fuzzy paws were pounding on my arms since I was still carrying her. Not very hard though, "Ay! I'm sorry girl, here you go"

I opened up the can of cat food and placed it down for her to eat. Mochi happily jumped down from my arms not as gracefully as she thought and looked the food straight in the eye and gobbled it up, not like food even has eyes but you get what I mean. I then walked around the living room to find my phone to see what time it was. I looked everywhere possible until I remembered where I believe the last placed it. I went to go retrieve it and I was luckily right about the location.

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