Broadcasting Room Pt. 2

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Y/n pov


I pretended to be sleeping/unconscious. I placed a hand on my head and gently lifted my head. "Hm, will I see your awake Kanashi-chan." A green haired girl said. Oh my god- she's dropped dead gorgeous-

"Y-yes I-i-.. hm.." I accidently stuttered with my words, "Sakura Nanamine." she said putting tea in a cup. "Would you like some tea, Kanashi-chan?" The girl I now know as Sakura-chan asked, "H-hm.. s-sure?" I said, more as a question than an answer, She looks older than me.. Hmm, perhaps I should call her senpai. I sat up from my lying position on the couch and sat instead. "Hm.. where exactly am I Sakura-senpai??" I asked, unsure of my current location. "You're in the broadcasting room," She said, putting a tea cup on the table in front of me. "Me as one of the members." She said nonchalantly. "And who are the other members if I may ask?.."

"Hm, Natsuhiko Hyuuga and.. Tsukasa." She said, looking at the door when she said 'Tsukasa' rather quietly. She sighed, "Am sorry if you had any trouble with him at all." She said, hinting annoyance. "Tsukasa..?" I asked. Uhm.. that name- rings a bell.. Eh.. it's probably nothing.. She drank a sip of her tea and continued, "A boy with brown choppy hair, big amber eyes... and a black seal on his right cheek if I might add." A black seal..? If I remember correctly, the guy on the rooftop didn't have a seal on his right cheek? Wait, he did have a seal! But... it wasn't black- nor on his right cheek.. Huh.

I then looked at the tea sitting on the table, I looked at the tea for some time, "Don't worry it's not poisoned, I am not such a person." She said fixing her hair. So pretty- I shook my head. "Ah.. yes.. Alright then." It's hard trusting an apparition.. Will anything or anyone that's not a mokke but she seems trustworthy. I grabbed the cup and drank a sip, I gasped, "How can I taste the tea?! Am an apparition! I'm not supposed to be able to taste anything??" I said in shock, rather confused. "Ah yes, that tea is quite special, that tea in particular is a tea especially made for apparitions." She said sipping her tea once again, "And what about yours?" I said tilting my head slightly "Are you an apparition too??" I asked.

"Hm not quite, I'm a human girl, not an apparition." She said, smiling a little bit.

"Wow- you look even prettier when you smile-" I put both my hands on my mouth. "Eek, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud!" I squealed, She chuckled slightly, "It's quite alright. And you're quite pretty yourself, Kanashi-chan." She said, I giggled, I really do like Sakura-senpai, she's so sweet! Though I completely forgot why I was even talking to her in the first place. The kidnapping apparition boy. Then I remembered what she said 'A HUMAN girl'

"WAIT A HUMAN WHO CAN SEE APPARITIONS?? So that means you have a 6th sense??" I said in shock, "Hm not really, I'm bound to an apparition so that's why."

Sakura-senpai cleared her throat, "I do have to warn you though, Tsukasa can be a LOT to handle.. Am sorry if he did anything to you." She said in her normal voice, "Hm? Oh.. well no I don't think HE harmed me..? But I do remember a guy on the rooftop with a . . . white seal on his left cheek?" Sakura tilted her head slightly, "Hm. I see, will that was-" She couldn't continue her sentence because someone slammed the door opened and yelled "SAKURAAAAA" Dear god what the f-

A kid with choppy brown hair and big amber eyes with a white Western shirt with a black kimono over top, a grey hakama, black shoes, red ankle-height socks.. and a hat? (So much too describe-) He ran/floated to me and hugged my waist "You're finally awakeeeeeeee~" I tensed up. Who the hell does this dude think he is?! I don't know if this guy is the guy from the rooftop or not.. Was this the guy that even killed the mokke..? I can't be sure.. For now I can just act normal I guess.. He smiled "It's nice to know you're finally awake~!" He said quite happily. Why was he so happy I finally 'woke' up?? He let go off me and took his attention too Sakura-senpai, "Sakuraaaa.."

"Hm, yes?" She responded. But as he was going to continue another guy bursted in the room, "M'LADY I AM BACK." He said while catching his breath. "Took you long enough!!" The boy that I think is called 'Tsukasa' said. He continued,

"As I was saying, perhaps we should plan on how I can approach him tomorrow!~" He smiled.. Will sort of smirked.. Wait.. who's 'he?' So many questions are running through my head right now... I sighed,

After so many years it turns out there are some people who don't see me as an invisible apparition.. Not just some random apparition out there. Of course I am invisible to humans but not to other apparitions.. But either way they never cared to talk to me but now.. Well it's not like that anymore. 

"Oh and as for you Kanashi~" I jerked my head up, "h-hm?"

"I want you and me to play~" E-eh-"But i-" he walked over to the couch where I was sitting and went close to my face and did puppy eyes, "Pweaseeee~?" I blushed and looked away. "Tsk.. fine..." It's not like I have anything better to do. I don't think there were any more people confessing today so I think I'm free as of right now.. Well uh define free.. "YAYYYY!!" He said as he jumped on me and hugged my waist tightly.

I blushed, why does this feeling.. Feel so- so-.. Familiar?- Will that's rather odd.. I don't know what came over me but I started patting his head gently. What the hell?! I swear to the lord-

He put his head up slightly and did a big smile then put his arms around my waist again and.. Sniffed me-? I blushed and looked away as fast as I could. Why does Tsukasa make me feel so odd??- I barely know him-!


Words: 1053

- Nene Yashiro - Birthday July 6th 

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