Chapter 13: A Scrap of Memory

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As the small broken piece reached the end of the seemingly endless amount of stairs, a bright light had shone in that very spot, as the said man and his Regalia had arrived.

They took a moment to process that they had arrived to their destination before realizing that they had an extra member. The two gasped in horror and shouted in surprised, as Hiyori merely her eyes stood there, blank and confused to what just happened.

"YOu! Why did you come along with us you idiot?!" Yato shrieked at her with the same confusion she had.

He was overwhelmingly worried for Hiyori when she had lost her memory and vowed you to protect her if anything happened, but this, this was too much! He was well aware of Rabou's abilities and this was no place for him to keep a constant eye on Hiyori, especially if she has no idea what the hell is swinging behind her!

Hiyori, obviously didn't understand where she is as she looked around with wide doe eyes, "Wh-where are we?! HOw did we get here?!" she exclaimed, but caught sight of the bright pink cord that had been absent for a while now. "And why do  I have a tail?!"

he two males could only hang their mouths open at her, eyes wide at the mess they were in. "What's going on here?!" she panicked as Yato and Yukine could merely merely sigh exhaustively.

"Aw man, We-we need to call (Y/n) right now!" Yato  reached for his phone in his pocket. "You really shouldn't be h-" but before he could fish out his phone, a voice boomed from the stairway.

"I'm pleased you've come." Rabou and Nora stood by the ends of the staircase, watching them with malicious eyes.

In response, Yato's eyes glared at the man. "Rabou," he said venom in his voice and Nora inspected them with emotionless eyes but looked displeased as they landed on Hiyori.

"They seem to have brought one uninvited guest." she regarded the brunette female. "I swear, you are nothing but a nuisance?"

"Hiyori!" Yato called, snapping the brunette out of the words Nora had spouted. "You need to get far away from here until Dark comes to get you!" he holds out a protective arm in front of her, indicating that she was not to advance with them. She nodded in understanding and backed up a few steps away.

"Well here we are," Rabou said "Come at me!" he said in a fierce voice, determined to bring out Yato's old self.

"Sekki!" Yato summoned, as the kanji of Yukine's name shone and turned him into his signature form of a bare blade. At the same time, Rabou summoned Nora, her kanji red as it spelled out the name Furu and turned into the traditional blade.

The two clashed swords, sending out a loud clang throughout the silent area. In a determined voice, Yato said, "I will  make you return back (Y/n) and Hiyori memories!"

Yato grunts, turning his sword to the side and kicks him away. Rabo back-flips in the air, landing up to the entrance, having Yato clings his tongue and run after him.

Yato swings and Rabo blocks it, pushing him back, but he blocks another. Trying to hit Yato but jumps back from his attack.

"We've got him!" Yukine shouted.

Yato leaped forward and battle cries, swinging straight and Rabo looks up to him.

"You're too slow!" Rabo yelled, deflecting the blow and knocks him back. Rabo hits his blade on the ground and water emerges from the cracks or rain, going around Yato and forms a bubble, with no air.

He yelped and tried to stab it, to set himself free, but it didn't budge at all. 'Damn it! I can't break it from the inside! Yato gasped to see it was affecting Yukine as well.

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