Chapter 2: Snow-like

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Its been two weeks have past since the indecent. Every time Hiyori slipped her body, even though she can still tough things somehow.

Reminds her ever since two weeks ago ever since she goes to school all week she kept asking Aki where you are. You haven't been showing up to class all day. This is so not like you at all Hiyori thought.

Every time she keeps asking Aki where or how are you he keeps on jumping his skin mentioning his childhood duelist friend's name he looks to the side and pretend nothing happened as he went to his class.

This made Hiyori worry about her black twilight haired friend, she believes that Aki is hiding something  but she doesn't know what exactly.

As Hiyori finished school she made her way to the Saber-Sword estate where you lives with her brothers.

She rings the door bell as Asben appear in front of the door step poking his head while opening the door to see Hiyori.

"Hiyori?" Asben wondered why is she here.

"Good afternoon Asben." Hiyori greeted politely bowing her head. "I was just stopping by and visit (Y/n) to see if she's okay."

"(Y/n) huh?" Asben asked then answered. "Well she already gone. You just missed her about three hours ago."

"She already left?"

Asben nodded.

"Well when she'll be back? I have full of questions I need to ask her." Hiyori is disappointed that she won't get some answers.

"That part I don't Hiyori..." Asben answers truthfully. "She never told me anything where she's going, that part of her I'm worried about."

"Is she sick?" Hiyori asked.

"No, no." Asben shook his head. "She's just gone out by herself without Aki or the rest of the brothers know where she could be."

"Then... speaking of Aki every time I ask him he keeps dogging my questions and run away Every time I brought out (Y/n)'s name. Do you have any idea why he keeps doing this?"

  Now it's Asben's turn to go in a panic. "N-nooo...?"

Hiyori beginning to suspect Asben's lie narrowing her brows. "Asben, you know something do you?"

"No! I swear I barely know where my little sisters is honestly!" Asben wave his hands nervously.

"So you and Aki do know something!" Hiyori accused him with pointer finger.

"I SWEAR I DON'T!?" Asben said quickly and then sigh in defeat. "Even if I asked her she won't give me a signal word coming out of her mouth. The girl is completely loss for her own good."

Hiyori asked only to give Asben the weird vibe. "She's gone to kill phantoms again has she? Ever since the the day I met Yato."

Asben looks to Hiyori though can't lie his way out of this even he knew that will be pointless and know exactly what a phantom is. "I wish I could tell you more, but I don't know where she is. Two weeks ago she feels the need to go out there and find any source of information about who send people who killed Kyouwa. (Y/n) looks up to Kyouwa more than the rest of the brothers. But I doubt that she didn't want anyone else to know."

   Hiyori eyes widen at as Asben explain. She never thought that you, her own friend would go that far to avenge her own god brother. All this time she was finding an information who send someone to kill Kyouwa? She hoped she'll find you, but not alone she needs a little help from Yato.

"I see... then looks like I'll find her. Thank you for sharing the information Asben."

Asben nodded and smiled. "You're welcome."

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