Sabine's Choice

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"Ezra Bridger!" Hera gasped. "I thought you of all people would not want us to do that to Thrawn."

"Hera, I've got to agree with Ezra here," Kallus said, flinching when the Twi'lek's murderous gaze turned towards him. Zeb put his hand on Kallus's shoulder.

"I'm with my- er, Kallus here," he stuttered. Ezra and Sabine shared a glance and smiled. They both knew what Zeb had almost confessed.

"Hera, Thrawn deserves it," Vizago pointed out.

"We can't just murder him in cold blood," Rex joined in. "Ahsoka, you have to side with us. After all, this isn't the Jedi way!" Ahsoka's eyes unfocused as she stared at the distance.

"I'm no Jedi."

"We can't do this, I'm with the Captain and General Syndulla," Wolfe stated. Chopper beeped and whirred, saying he was with Hera as well. Ryder shook his head. "I will have no part in this decision."

"I won't either," Ahsoka murmured. The crew looked at Sabine.

"Sabine, it's up to you," Ezra said. Sabine bit her lip and glanced at the crew. Hera was looking at her expectantly. Chopper - well, no one could read Chopper. Zeb and Kallus were looking into each other's eyes, trying to have a conversation with their expressions. Ahsoka looked out of it and completely zoned out. Ryder and Vizago were looking conflicted. Rex and Wolfe's hands were drumming their weapons holsters, a nervous tic both the clones had developed.

And Ezra...

Ezra was looking at her with desperation in his eyes. Like Thrawn's being dead would finally rid him of those five years.

"I think that Thrawn being dead would be the sense of security the galaxy needs," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. Rex and Wolfe looked disappointed, but they nodded understandably. Chopper beeped in disapproval. But Hera...

Her face showed utter betrayal.

Ezra rubbed his hands together. "Alright guys, no time to waste. Thrawn could be here any second. We have to get rolling. Let's move out!" As the rest of the crew exited the cockpit, Sabine turned to talk to Hera.

"Look Hera, I think we're making the right choice. Thrawn could hurt so many other people unless we stop him - for good."

Hera sighed sadly. "But still, Sabine - taking his life? Would that make us any better than the Empire? Would that make us any better than Thrawn?" She let, giving Sabine a lot to think about and a heavy heart for the battle ahead.

A/N: So, I plan to be wrapping this book up soon. I am estimating around four or five more parts, plus an epilogue and author's note. I want to thank you all for your support, and for 1k reads!!!!! This book has been really fun to write. Stay tuned for the last few chapters!


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