Chapter 5

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Kats Injury was something she hated to look at, every time she passed a mirror she seemed to close her eyes, even now she hated it, the long jagged scar reminded her of a day she would rather forget, no matter how much she wished to forget that day, she never could.

She was made to stay in the infirmary for three days, during those three days she had multiple visits from Alberta, Mikhail and Dimitri, as well as the occasional visit from rose or Lissa.

While in the infirmary her scar was poked and prodded by multiple nurses making her flinch every single time, she hated it, when it was touched it burned, the pain that usually came after was almost like how it felt when she landed on her back after fighting the stragoi but she wouldn't tell any of them that, she pretended to be okay just so she could leave the stupid room she had grown to hate.

Mikhail and Dimitri walked into her hospital room as she stood by her bed packing up the things she that had been taken to her over the last few days

"What do you think your doing" Mikhail asked as he rushed the rest of the way into the room and took over packing her things

She rolled her eyes slightly "I'm finally free from this stupid hospital room, I would like some fresh air, a warm bath and then a nice book, so move and let me finish packing" she muttered as she attempted to push him away, the quick movement hurting her back immensely, thankfully neither of them saw the quick flash of pain on her face.

Mikhail glared down at her "shut up, I'll pack up the room and bring your bag to you, Dimitri can take you to your room" he muttered before Dimitri walked over to them and held his arm out for her to grab

She looked at him for a second and frowned before she looked at his arm
"Mikhail mentioned that when your back hurts it's hard for you to walk without help, so I shall be your guide" he whispered his accent thicker, over the last few days she had noticed his accent tended to get thicker when he was concerned, sometimes even when he laughed.

She nodded a little and gently looped her arm through his "I better get all of my things Mikhail Tanner, don't make me go find your lady friend and tell her embarrassing stories of you" she smirked as she watched the man blush, it was funny to see, a great guardian like him now blushing for a woman she had yet to meet.

Dimitri smiled a little at the pair as they teased each other, he had gotten used to the sibling like relationship between the two of them, it reminded him of his own relationship with his sisters.

Once Kat and Mikhail had finished pulling faces at one another Dimitri began leading Kat towards the guardian quarters

"Shouldn't you be guarding Lissa somewhere" she asked whispering softly as she looked around

He shook his head slightly "Alberta gave mikhail and I both the day off, with strict instructions that we help you with anything you need" he mumbled

She nodded slightly "you don't have to do this you know" she whispered softly "I'm capable of taking care of myself, I have done for many years" she muttered

"I told you three days ago when you woke up that I would help you, I do not go back on my word Katerina" as he spoke his accent seemed to deepen, it was clear there was no arguing with this man, she didn't think she would win that argument anyway

She sighed before she nodded "fine but you have to at least go to your training today" she said as she looked up at him

"We are going to training later, I wish to show you some of the things I have started to write down about your training" he said as he opened the door to her room and guided her to the small couch

She frowned slightly as she looked at him "I don't think I can train for a while" she whispered as she looked down at her hands

"Why not, the doctor said you weren't having pain" he frowned slightly as he looked down at her "you lied to the doctor didn't you" he asked

She nodded "I hate the infirmary, i spent months in there I can't do it again" she sighed as she rubbed her eyes "pushing mikhail really hurt, walking here pulled it slightly, I don't know how long it'll take to heal this time"

He slowly sat down taking in the information she had just told him "you should have told the doctors this Katerina, but I get your point, I'll only make you go back if it gets really bad okay" he muttered as he looked at her

She smiled slightly and nodded quickly "thank you guardian belikov" she whispered softly

He looked at her for a moment before he nodded "I think it's time you call me Dimitri don't you, маленький боец" (little fighter)

Over the past few days she had gotten used to the fact that Dimitri would sometimes randomly slip into Russian, it seemed that it was something he hadn't done for a while. While in America, all he spoke was America, so every time he slipped into Russian she couldn't help but smile, the sound of the language coming from his mouth was something she could get used to, it was soothing.

She tilted her head slightly as she looked at him "what did you say" she whispered as she carefully picked up a book off her table

She could have sworn she saw a faint blush appear on the guardians face, but just as quickly as it appeared, it went away.

"It means little fighter" he muttered as he looked out of the window

She smiled softly "I'm taking it as a compliment" she whispered as she opened her book.

The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes before mikhail barged in without knocking as usual, he dumped the bag on the bed and groaned "how the hell do you have so much stuff, you were there for three days" he grumbled as he leaned against the wall

"Alberta deemed it necessary to buy me new things, she found out the clothes I was wearing were burying my back" she muttered not looking up from her book

"What do you mean they were hurting your back" he growled slightly as he pushed himself off the wall

"The clothes I had were too tight, they were two sizes too small" she sighed as she closed her book and looked at him

Mikhail glared at her slightly "why didn't you tell me, I would have bought you new ones"

She shook her head slightly "you bought the other ones" she muttered "I didn't have money to buy my own, Alberta used some of the school funds to buy my clothes and put it down as being part of my recovery program"

Mikhail shook his head "next time bloody tell me" he muttered harshly before he stormed out

Yet again it was quite before Dimitri spoke up "are the new clothes helping" he asked

"They're not as tight, but they're also not as baggy, it doesn't matter" she smiled a little bit before she stood up "I'm going to take a bath, feel free to go and do what you wish or you can stay here" she whispered before she walked into the bathroom closing the door behind her

As she removed her shirt she turned and looked in the mirror over her shoulder the deep red scar ran from middle of her shoulders all the way down to the bottom of her back, it curved along the dip of her spine, the top, just under her neck was the part that had just been re-stitched, she could see it healing but knew it may take a little more time to look normal. She moved her hand and touched it hissing slightly, as usual it didn't hurt, it just burned.

She shook her head and moved to fill up the bath.

Dimitri sat in her room for a moment before he stood up and walked out, he had made a promise to help the girl and he would do anything he could to make her comfortable, she was slowly becoming important to him, so important that began to feel compelled to tell his babushka and his Mama about her, she was different, she made him feel alive and he had no idea why.

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