chapter 20

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Walking over the ward line may have been the worst mistake she would ever make but staying there, in that school with people who were against her was not something she wanted to do. She couldn't sit there any longer and listen to her sister and Lissa make up stories about her. she knew as soon as she stepped out of the wards that a lot of people were going to be angry with her when they found out but at that moment she didn't care. 

She often found that walking gave her a chance to clear her head and at that moment she needed to clear every thought from her mind, in her head a rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions seemed to be taking over her, she had just found out she can heal a stragoi, she found her father, she finally understood that her mother was a lot closer to her sister than to her, she could see that even lissa only seemed to want to be around rose, but where she could also finally clearly see the one man that seemed to stick by her side. Dimitri Belikov, a man who had only met her a few months prior, she shouldn't feel the way she does for him but sometimes people can't help the way they feel, especially when that person lifts you when you're down. to her Dimitri wasn't just some guardian or some man, to her Dimitri may very well be the person she would spend her life with if it was allowed. and god did she want it to be allowed. 

somehow while being lost in her thoughts she had managed to walk a great distance, she didnt recognise where she was, she could no longer see the walls of the academy, she couldnt hear the students rushing about, it was only now that she realised she couldnt hear anything at all, she couldnt hear humans, nor her own people, she couldnt even hear any animals, she didnt know why and she didnt have time to question it because just as she realised it she came upon a small house, surrounded by wards similar to the ones that surrounded the academy, what confused her the most was that she couldnt be too far away from the academy, so why on earth had the academy not known about the house which clealry held, either a moroi or a dhampir. 

As she stepped closer to the wards, the door to the small house opened revealing an older woman, she looked aged but not much, she looked more like alberta than anything else, but what seemed to surprise katherine was that the woman looked at her before chuckling slightly "its been a long time since a student has wandered over the wards of the academy and into my home" 

kat looked at the woman a small frown on her face "How do you know about the acdemy" she asked 

the woman chuckled softly "how do you think i know, i went there, and i taught there" she smiled before she looked around "You should really step over the wards before those stragoi reach you" 

kat walked over the wards quickly and turned to watch as three stragoi ran into the wards and burst into ash "How did you see them" she whispered in awe having not heard or seen the stragoi coming 

the woman shook her head slightly before turning back to her house "youre not the only one with exceptional abilities katherine hathaway"

kat turned to look at her "How on earth do you know who i am" she muttered 

"your asking the wrong questions already katherine" the woman spoke before walking into her house "do hurry up katherine, the tea is getting cold" 

she really shouldnt have trusted a strange woman in the woods who knew her name but she was also intruiged, and so, she took the stake from her back pocket that had seemingly appeared as she stepped out of the cabin back at the academy, as she looked at the stake she couldnt help but smile, she would recognise dimitris stake anywhere. she took one last look at the stake before she made her way inside of the house, her grip tightening on the hilt of the stake in her hand. 

as she walked into the house she couldnt help but look at all of the objects inside of it, much of the furniture seemed expensive but also old, the furniture looked like it was from an entirely different time, as she turned to walk into the kitchen her eyes caught a picture hung upon the wall just above a fire place in the living room. her curiosity seemed to get the better of her as she walked into the living room instead. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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