Chapter 18

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Not every moment in life is good, not every moment is special but then just around the corner the special and happy moments slam into you when your least expecting it.

Katherine had a very few happy memories, most of them consisted of her and Mikhail, a handful from her and Alberta, a few from her sister, Lissa and the Dragomirs. She couldn't remember most of her father before she was taken from him but she knew that she was happy with him and yet she had absolutely no happy memories with her mother however sitting the woods of st vlads, in dimitris lap with his hands holding her steady she couldn't care less about any of the other memories she had, in that moment all that mattered was him.

Dimitri hummed softly as his cheek rested on her head, her head rested on his chest both of them with their eyes closed just taking in the moment, a moment neither of them would ever forget especially not after the amazing kiss they had shared. "What are you thinking about" he asked as his hand slowly ran through her hair

"I was thinking about how this is very high up on my happy memories list" she smiled a little keeping her eyes closed as she listened to the gentle thumping of his heart

He chuckled softly, his laugh jostling her slightly in his lap, "Then I guess I need to plan more things to do with you so that all your memories are happy" he whispered as he placed a gentle kiss to the top of her head

She smiled at the simple act, for once she wanted to be selfish, she wanted to take this moment and make it last for however long she could. Her life was always about someone else, protecting other people and now, now she was going to take every single happy moment and run with it no matter the consequences.

She opened her eyes and looked up at him, it was then that she realised that his eyes were closed too, she couldn't help but smile at the way he looked, for once he wasn't on guard, he wasn't looking around waiting for danger to strike, he was simply Dimitri, the man she had gotten to know of the last few months, the man that ultimately captured her heart and kept it safe. It was in moments like this that she let everything fade away, she let all thoughts of duty and honour leave her mind and she let herself be selfish, selfish enough to think that they could have a life together if they wished, but they both knew any life they had together would always surround moroi, it would surround them barely seeing each other, it was why every time she thought of those damn Selfish ideas she had to scold herself, she had to other wise she would let herself believe that just maybe it could actually happen.

She shook her head slightly and sat up so she was no longer laying on his chest, the simple shake of her head had his eyes opening instantly "what's wrong" he asked his brows furrowing as he looked at her

She shook her head "nothing" she lied as she went to move off his lap only to be tugged back moment later.

His hand gently cupped her jaw and tilted her head until their eyes met "since when did we start lying to each other Katerina" he whispered as he stroked her jaw "tell me, please baby" he whispered as he pressed a gentle kiss to her head

She closed her eyes for a moment before she sighed "I let my mind run for a moment, it made me realise that duty and a life I want are not something that could coincide" she whispered

He looked at her for a moment unsure of what to say, "duty and life don't have to coincide baby, yes duty is important but as if life, you need to realise darling that sometimes duty will come first but more often than not many guardians choose to put their family's first" he whispered

She shook her head "most guardians are married to their charges Dimitri" she mumbled "when I graduate no doubt Rose will be your guarding partner given how close her and Lissa are, who knows if I can even be a guardian anymore given my back" she muttered

He sighed "I do not know if you will, nobody knows what the future holds Katerina but I do know you that you are strong, the strongest person I have ever met, with or without your powers you are special, you already are an incredible guardian" he whispered as he gently stroked the marks on the back of her neck "I have had the pleasure watching you in action, my heart was in my throat the entire time but fuck Katerina watching you fight is always amazing" as he spoke his voice began to deepen and his accent came out thicker, she looked at him shocked for a second, she had never heard him swear, in all honesty she found it quite hot but she wasn't going to tell him that.

"Sometimes i wonder if this is all worth it" she sighed

He chuckled slightly "I think every guardian has that thought at least once, perhaps sometime soon somebody will change our world for the better" he smiled

For a moment he watched her before he ran his thumb across her jaw "your special to me, I have no idea what will happen in the next few months, i don't know what will happen after we leave here but I do know that for however long you want me you have me" he whispered as he brought his lips back to hers, "you have spoken to my mother, you know about Ivan, you know things I have never told anyone else, hell I have never felt this way about anyone, if you think for one second that I'd leave you behind then you are absolutely wrong" he mumbled "you are mine Katerina, you have been since the day you basically told me to piss off in Kirovas office" he chuckled before he kissed her gently

She was at a loss for words, all she could do was kiss him back, he had just called her his, she expected healed to shrivel up, to tell him to shut up, she usually hated when men claimed women to be theirs but with him, with him she wanted it, she wanted to be his.

"One day I'm going to take you to Russian, to meet my family, that should tell you how utterly devoted to you I am Katerina, I have never in my life taken anyone but friends to meet my family, and you certainly aren't my friend" he whispered

She bummed "so what am I" she smiled a little as she laid her hands on his chest gently

"My girl" he whispered as he pecked her lips "my sweet, fiesty, strong, independent woman, there is nothing I would change about you..actually there is one thing" he mumbled

She sighed "the scars on my back right" she whispered

He growled a little "fuck no Katerina, I may hate that you have them and that they cause you pain but they are you and you are beautiful, the only thing I would change about you is your name"

She frowned "what's wrong with my name" she asked

He smiled "nothing baby, Katherine Hathaway is a great name, however Katherine belikova has a nice ring to it" he smirked

She giggled a little "Katerina" she whispered "Katerina belikova has a nice ring to it" she whispered

He smiled "one day" he whispered "one day I promise you on every inch of my soul I will make that happen, I'm not letting you go Milaya, not unless you don't want me anymore" he whispered  as he brought his lips back to hers

She let her melt against his lips, she believed every single word of what he said.

"As lovely as this is you both need to come with me" pavel smirked as the two jumped apart

She rolled her eyes "do you make a habit of sneaking up on people" she mumbled as she stood up

He smirked at her "no, however when my niece is kissing a man older than her, I like to make that man squirm" he chuckled as he watched Dimitri blush

"I'm nineteen I can make my own decisions uncle" she mumbled as she gently helped Dimitri up

"Aye you can, your father won't see it that way though" he chuckled as he turned and began walking back towards the school

"Wait..he's going to tell Zmey we were kissing" he mumbled "fuck I'm dead" he whispered

She rolled her eyes "idiots the lot of you" she mumbled as she walked after her uncle

Dimitri watched her for a second, as he watched her walk he had come to the conclusion that he didn't love her, no what he felt was so much more, he was in love with her.

She turned when she realised he hadn't moved "are you coming" she asked

"Yes angel I'm coming" he smiled before he jogged to her

Whatever may come they would conquer it together.

I figured we should have a cute lil happy couple chapter before we dive into more drama.

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