Chapter 2

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Katherine had always put her family first, all her life she had made sure that her sister never felt the pain that she had in the moments were she had no one.

After Rose and Katherine were dumped at the academy by their mother, Katherine made sure that her sister was always happy no matter what, if rose wanted to go and see Lissa, Katherine would make it happen, if rose needed money to go shopping with Lissa, Katherine would find it.

Rose would never know the stress that Katherine was always under in order to make sure that her sister was safe, healthy and happy but now, now Katherine needed to put herself first, no matter the cost on the relationships she had, Katherine needed to be first in her own mind, if not then Katherine could be hurt even more than she already was.

It seemed that rose never remembered her life before the academy, but Katherine did, Katherine remembered her mother, and some times she even heard her fathers laugh, though now she barely remembered what he looked like.

After Dimitri had walked Katherine to the medical wing she was given her medication and it instantly made her pain lessen slightly.

After that she spent the rest of her night in her room still a little too angry at her sister and Lissa to speak with either of them. Given the fact that the novice rooms were on the top floor of an old building, Katherine had been given permission to stay in an unused room within the guardian quarters as a result of her injury that she sustained during the car crash.

The next morning she walked out of her room and down to where the novices usually sparred and trained.

As she walked over she noticed rose looking at the board in which it had all of the novices on in ranking order.

In second place was mason, one of roses best friends and even one of Katherine's, in third was Eddie, then Meredith, and finally in fifth place was Rose, given the fact that she had not been at the academy in three months, fifth place was actually quite a good place to be.

Katherine sat on the edge of the training ring and watched as people fought each other.

It took only a second for rose to storm over to mason and instantly asked him to fight, which did happen causing Katherine to roll her eyes slightly.

Dimitri took the seat next to her and looked at the fighting novices.

"How is it that you are number one on that table and yet you have not trained in three months" he asked not taking his eyes off the fighting novices

She looked at him for a second before she smiled a little "actually killing a stragoi gives anyone a boost in the board, I stay at number one until I'm ready and healthy to fight again, it was Alberta's idea, she said it wasn't fair to knock me from the space I had if I cannot defend myself" she muttered softly

He turned his head to her "what actually happened to you Katerina" he muttered

She tilted her head slightly "Katerina" she questioned as she looked at him

It was barely noticeable but she could have sworn she saw a small blush take it's place onto his face "sorry my Russian slips out sometimes, it's your name in Russia" he mumbled

She smiled a little "I like it, as for what happened to me, that is not something I am willing to share right now, I do not know you, the other people that know what happened to me are mikhail and Alberta and it'll stay that way until I decide" she whispered as she sat a little straighter not leaning back against the bench.

Dimitri was going to say something else until rose ran up to them, a card in her hand, the card was given to anyone that a lower ranked novice wished to fight.

Rose looked to her sister before she held it out to her "fight me" her sister muttered

Katherine rose her eyebrow slightly "you couldn't even take down mason Rose, how exactly is going up the list going to help you" she asked as she tilted her head

"You are the top of the table, taking down you will make me gain a lot of points" rose stated

Katherine couldn't help but laugh slightly "no" she said as she angled her body slightly so that she could look past her sister

Rose frowned "what do you mean no, the Turks state that when challenged a person must take up that challenge"

She rolled her eyes slightly "the rules also state that a person must take up the challenge, unless an injury dictates that they can't, do dear sister due to the fact that I am on medication for an injury that I am still healing from, I cannot take up your challenge" she smirked a little at the disappointment on her face

Rose looked at her sister from head to toe before she glared slightly "you don't seem in pain, you cannot keep a spot on the table if you cannot defend it"

Dimitri looked at the younger girl before he frowned "your sisters spot on that table is being help by head guardian petrov, your sisters injury is none of your concern, if she doesn't wish to tell you then she won't" he stated, his voice somehow full of care and concern, but also still full of authority

Rose looked to him for a moment, a small look that neither Katherine not Dimitri could decipher rushing across her face before the girl turned and walked away.

For a moment their was silence between the two of them before Katherine let out a small sigh of relief "thank you, you didn't need to do that" she muttered

He nodded slightly "she has been gone awhile, she needs to learn she cannot come and take something she is not trained for" he whispered

She looked at him for a second before she smiled "how did you happen to end up here, all the way from Russia" she asked softly as she turned to look at him

He looked at her for a second before a look of sadness crossed his face "you are not the only one who has lost someone Katerina, my lady charge, Ivan, was killed in a stragoi attack on my day off, I was transferred here two days after his death"

She looked at him "I'm sorry, loosing someone is never easy" she whispered softly

They both sat their for a second before she looked at him "my back" she muttered softly

He tilted his head slightly "excuse me" he questioned softly

"You asked what happened to me, my injury it's on my back, you told me something personal about yourself it's only fair I do it too" she smiled a little

He nodded "thank you Katerina for trusting me with that information" he whispered

She nodded "perhaps if you can keep that a secret I'll tell you what it is" she whispered before she stood up and made her way towards Alberta.

Dimitri belikov looked at the girl he has spent nearly an hour talking to and couldn't help but become very confused, he was not a man who opened up to anyone, he was reserved and only ever told his family his problems, specifically his mama and babushka but this girl he had known less than a day had him opening up more than her had in a long time.

God held him if she continued to have this power over him. Katerina was something else, he just couldn't decide if it was a good something or a bad something.

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