Chapter 10

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In that moment her entire life changed, a man she had cared so deeply for was no longer himself, he wasn't her brother, nor was he a guardian, no instead he was a monster they had all been taught to fight.

She hadn't realised it but tears were streaming down her face as she pushed rose and Dimitri out of the way.

"Katerina what are you doing" Dimitri yelled

"Get my sister out of here" she growled loudly if she couldn't help mikhail then she would make sure that Dimitri and rose made it out alive.

"Katerina I'm not leaving you" Dimitri yelled back as Kat began fighting with mikhail

"I can't save him Dimitri, but I can save her please, get her to liss, please Dimitri" she muttered

Dimitri stood there for a second as he watched her, she was moving incredibly fast, fighting the stragoi faster than anything he had ever seen before.

He knew if he didn't help get her sister to safety then she wouldn't forgive him "don't you dare die on me Katerina" he whispered

"It'll be Damn hard to kill me belikov" she smirked before she fought harder.

Dimitri grabbed rose and rushed outside with her.

He took her straight to Lissa and checked all the novices and then morois

"We can't just leave her in there" Rose shouted

"I'm not going to, but you need to stay here, she won't concentrate if your in there Rose" he mumbled and looked up as Alberta and a bunch of guardians turned up

Alberta's face dropped as she looked around not seeing Kat "where is she" she demanded

"Fighting a stragoi mikhail" he growled as he turned around and rushed back into the building

Dimitri, Alberta and the other guardians rushed into the room to find Kat stood over a fire, the fire burning a body that now no longer resembled a person, but the uniform it wore gave away that the body burning was a guardian and instantly they all knew that she had killed the stragoi.

Her hands shook as she gripped the stake in her hand ready to fight anything that came out of the shadows, as they all looked at her they could see that she would give her life to protect those outside and it broke their hearts.

Dimitri took slow steps towards her "Katerina" he whispered as his hand touched her shoulder gently.

She wirled around the stake resting against his throat but he didn't flinch, he doesn't move and just looks in her eyes, but they look different, a small speck of gold seemed to disappear into her eyes making him frown slightly before he gently ran his hand over her arm, she was lost in the haze of battle.

"Katerina, dorogoy" he whispered keeping his hand on her shoulder "(my darling) his accent thick with worry as he stared at her

"Come back to me Katerina" he whispered moved closer to her.

Instantly she broke, the stake in her hand clattering to the floor as she fell forward in his arms and began crying. The heart breaking sobs that wracked her body made Dimitri pull her into his arms and hold her tightly.

"I'm so sorry Katerina" he whispered softly as he gently rubbed her back being careful not to Aggravate the scars

"Get her out of here Dimitri" Alberta mumbled as she stared at the fire

"I'm taking her to my rooms she's not stable enough to be alone" he growled as he lifted her up and carried her out to the car

Rose and Lissa looked at her and frowned before it dawned on them, she'd done it, she had killed the man who had been her family since day one.

Dimitri held her tightly as they all sat in the car, there wasn't anything he could say to make this better for her, nothing that could take away this pain, she had lost so much already, her father she no longer knew, the parents she had found in the dragomirs, the brother she had found in Andre and now the brother she had in mikhail, the man who had basically raised her, that taught her not every leaves, and now he too had.

Nobody spoke on the way back to the academy, nobody knew what to say in that moment they could only listen to the sobs that were echoing around the car.

Back at the academy she moved away from Dimitri and walked quickly.

Dimitri frowned and followed her ending up with Sonya.

He watched as she leaned in and hugged the girl before whispering something in her ear, as she pulled away they both watched as Sonya ran in the opposite direction.

"What did you say to her" he asked

"She was the woman mikhail loved" she muttered as she walked back to her rooms, the tears still rolling down her face

"Katerina" he whispered as he stopped infront of her

She slowly looked up at him and his heart broke, "come here" he whispered as he opened his arms to her

She looked at him for a moment before she walked into his arms, he slowly backed them up until they were in his room.

"I've got you darling" he whispered his accent thicker than it ever had been, as he sat on the bed he pulled her into his arms

"Why..why would they do this" she muttered

He knew she was referring to Alberta and the council letting a stragoi roam where the novices were training.

"I don't know, I truly do not" he whispered as he kissed her head gently

"I'm going to make them pay, not matter how long it takes, I will make them pay" she whispered but the determination in her voice made him realise she what she was saying was completely true, in that moment he knew he would help her anyway he could.

They stayed there for hours, she was sat with her on his chest processing everything that was happening. Eventually she fell asleep, he couldn't bare to wake her, not right now, not when she was getting a little bit of reprieve from the emotions she was feeling.

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