Chapter 14

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As Katherine left Dimitri her mind began to run a million miles an hour, she had basically just told a guardian she was in love with him, she was screwed, utterly and totally screwed. Loving a person was amazing, it led to a full and happy life but loving a man she could never have would only end in heartbreak.

Dimitri belikov has wormed his way into her heart, into the one thing she had kept safe her entire life, and somehow she knew she whorl let him take it even if it meant that he would destroy her.

For weeks the two of them would talk on hushed whispers whenever they could, they would spend as much time with each other they could, whether it was Dimitri helping her train or him teaching her Russian.

The weeks flew by and soon it was time for their autumn break, finally nobody had to teach, nobody has to learn, no one had to wake up early and yet here she was the first day of spring break and she was up early sitting on the field by the old cabins thinking to herself.

"Being out here alone is dangerous" a voice whispered making her frown slightly, she recognised the voice but she didn't know from where.

As she turned around she was stunned to see a man in a very colourful suit with a man that looked to be a guardian stood just behind him looking around making sure that no one was coming at them.

As she looked at his eyes she couldn't help but freeze, they were eyes that she remember

"Laugh" she whispered as she looked at the man

The man chuckled slightly "why do I need to laugh" he asked a small smile on his face

He didn't need to, the small chuckle was enough for her to run at him and hug him tightly "dad" she whispered with tears in his eyes

"Oh my sweet girl" he whispered hugging her tightly

She hugged him tightly "the man she had all but forgotten was finally with her, her father the man who had protected her for heads was finally back.

"How" she whispered as she looked at him

"A certain Russian lady told me that my daughter was with a guardian at st vlads" he smiled

"Abe someone is coming" the guardian spoke from behind him

She quickly put her father behind her, he was a moroi but most of all he was her father and she wouldn't loose him again.

She slowly relaxed as she watched Dimitri walk towards them

"Katerina what is happening" he asked as he laid his hand on his gun

"Hey no need for that" she smiled as she grabbed his arm gently "your mother found my father" she whispered

Dimitri looked towards the men before he paled just before he froze

"Zmey" he mumbled "zmey is your father" he whispered

Abe looked at the man and smirked "so you know me" he chuckled

"Everyone knows you, your the most ruthless mob boss in all of Russia, turkey and hell knows where else" he mumbled his russian accent thicker than usual

"Mob boss" Katherine frowned as she looked at her father

Abe looked at his daughter and smiled softly "a man must protect his family somehow, I would have spent my entire life building an army to find you my darling"

She nodded a little and looked at Dimitri both of them conveying a thousand words with just one simple look

"How did you get in here" she asked "the academy is heavily warded" she mumbled

"I had a little help from someone" he smiled "perhaps I'll take you to them in a few moments, first I wish to know what I've missed since you were taken from me"

Kat looked to Dimitri before she sighed "we should have this conversation in private" she mumbled as she moved towards the old cabins

"Tell your guardian friend that he doesn't need to look so worried, nobody has been in these cabins for a number of years" she whispered

"How do you know that" Dimitri asked

She sighed a little "this is where I would spend most of my holidays given that I'm a ward of the academy"

"He's not a friend darling, he's your uncle, don't you remember Pavel" he asked

"what the hell do you mean ward of the academy" Pavel growled slightly

She quickly guided the three men into the cabin before she sat down with them all, Dimitri by her side as Abe sat in front of her and Pavel taking the spot next to Abe looking just as defensive as he had been outside.

She sighed softly "where do I start" she asked as she looked at her father

He looked at her and smiled "from the beginning sweetheart"

She nodded slightly "when Janine took us away she dumped us here, I've seen her maybe four times since she dumped us here for years I fended for myself, I made sure that Rose got anything and everything she needed, made sure she knew that she had a family even if I didn't" she whispered as she grabbed Dimitris hand for support making him smile slightly "she found a family in the Dragomirs and so did I, slightly, she loved them more, she became like a daughter to them and became something of a guest" she smiled a little "but rose was happy so that's all that mattered"

Dimitri looked at her for a moment "you don't have to carry on" he whispered as he squeezed her hand

"Yes I do, he deserves to know what he's missed" she mumbled "the crash that killed the Dragomirs, rose and I were in it" she whispered

"What" he mumbled as he looked at her

"We died" she mumbled as she looked at her father and let her eyes glow their golden colour

"What is happening" Pavel mumbled

She smiled softly "Lissa is a spirit user, she somehow saved me a rose and now I am this, something new, something not quite moroi and yet not quite dhampir" she whispered as she let the light in her palm dance across Dimitris arm making him smile at her.

She looked at her father and told him everything else, the scars, the pain, all the hurt she had felt until finally she ended with the death of her oldest friend and brother.

Abe sat there and froze for a moment taking in everything she had just said

"I cannot believe all this happened because your mother dumped you here" he whispered "I am so sorry Katherine, I should have found you sooner" he whispered

"Someone else found me first" she whispered as she looked to Dimitri, "he's helped me a great deal since he started here" she chuckled

"And this man what is he to you" Abe asked while glaring at Dimitri

"That complicated dad" she whispered softly making Pavel smirk 

"ya veryu, chto oni vlyubleny" Pavel chuckled (I believe they're in love)

Kat looked at him and glared "eto ne tvoye delo" she growled slightly (that is none of your business)

Her Russian shocked the two men before Dimitri laughed "so you do listen to me" he smiled

"On some occasions" she smiled as she looked at him before they froze as a knock came from the door

Abe looked at the two of them for a moment before he smiled "that's for you" he whispered looking at his eldest daughter

She frowned and stood up before she walked to the door and opened it, as she did she froze, she didn't know what to make of this, what to say.

"Who is it" Dimitri asked walking towards her

"Hello Dimitri, taking care of our girl I hope" he smirked, the same smirk both of them remembered.

In front of them stood a very alive, a very healthy Mikhail tanner. A person that they believed to be dead was certainly not.

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