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This year, the Festival is being held on October 30th, which, I just found out, is right before when America celebrates something they call "Halloween."

I so was not expecting this, but um...

"The h*ll?!-!"

Kacchan isn't very happy about it either...

"This is bullsh*t!-!" the paper crumbled in Kacchan's hands.

The worst part is, they're giving this only three days before the Festival...?!-! That isn't much time at all!-!

We should get the costumes quickly, before all the other slaves get them...

Kacchan looked at me, "What the h*ll are you two supposed to be then?!-! Broccoli and a furnace?!-!"

A furnace, Kacchan, is...

"It's a costume, Kacchan.. So we don't have to look the part normally... Like I could be a, um..."

"Oh, sh*t up," Kacchan groaned, returning to the paper we'd received in the mail. I glanced at Todoroki-kun, who was sitting on the floor obediently, doing something on his phone. His leash was tied to Kacchan's bed. While Kacchan continued to violently complain, I glanced over Todoroki-kun's shoulder.

Hot and Cold: So now Bakugou's having a fit over that.

Todoroki-kun!-!-! Is "Hot and Cold" you?!-!-! How could you talk about your Master like that?!-! What even are you on?!-!-! A Group Chat?!-!

Electric Boogey Woogey: Haha! I bet that's hilarious!

Shadow: Is he directing that frustration out on you?

Hot and Cold: Not really, he's just complaining about it. I'm not really listening.

Froppy: Well, that's good, at least...

Shadow: What is he going to do about it?

Uravity: I've been meaning to ask: Going to the Slaves Festival must cost something, right? Like, to get a ticket? How much?-? I'd like to go, but...

Hot and Cold: I have no idea. To either of those questions.

Shadow: The tickets cost 500 yen, I believe.

Pinky!: I wonder what you should be, Todoroki-kun...

Invisible Girl!: I think he should be a prince! That'd totally fit!-!

Pinky!: Oh yeah!-! Todoroki-kun could definitely be a prince!-!

Uravity: What about Midoriya-kun though...?

Electric Boogey Woogey: How about a piece of broccoli?

Pinky!: No, no, definitely no. That's not cute at all!-!

Electric Boogey Woogey: It fits though...

Uravity: How about an angel?

Red Riot: An angel?

Invisible Girl!: Oo, yeah, I like that idea!-!

Red Riot: Knowing Bakugou, he'd probably want Midoriya to be a dog or something...

Invisible Girl!: No way, no way!-!-! Let's get Bakugou-kun to dress Midoriya-kun and Todoroki-kun properly!-!

Froppy: I think he would only allow a good outfit if we bought the outfits ourselves...

"!-! They'd be willing to do that, Todoroki-kun?!-!" I accidentally blurted, and Kacchan looked at the two of us weirdly.

"What? What the h*ll are you two morons doing?" {Baku}

"Ack! I'm sorry!-!" I jolted upright as Kacchan walked over and looked at Todoroki-kun's phone. I glanced myself, from where I was positioned.

Pinky!: I'll totally pitch in, if we could do that!-!

Invisible Girl!: Let's totally do that!-!

Uravity: I probably can't pitch in much, but I can try...

Pinky!: Let's go to the mall tomorrow! We can look at costumes!-!

Shadow: Well, I suppose I wouldn't mind that.

Froppy: I'll join in, too. ^^

Martial Arts Tail: I'll pitch in myself.

Red Riot: I am all for this!-!

Electric Boogey Woogey: It'll be fun!-!

Invisible Girl!: Society's missing out!-!


Uravity: I think I'll invite Tenya, actually... The more people, the more money, the better costumes. And I don't think he'd discourage this, so...

Froppy: Actually, that's a good idea, Ochako-chan. I'll invite Mezo-kun {Shoji}, Momo, and Kyoka-chan.

Electric Boogey Woogey: I'll invite Hanta {Sero} and Mineta then!

Red Riot: Let's just invite the whole class!-!

Pinky!: Should we invite the teachers, too?


Froppy: I don't think that's a good idea, Mina-chan. But we could invite students from other classes.

Shadow: Shinsou, from the General Studies Department, might want to join.

Uravity: Definitely not that one guy, though... Monoma-something?

Froppy: Perhaps Itsuka-chan {Kendo/Big Fist} would want to help.

Martial Arts Tail: We probably shouldn't invite Hatsume-san either...

Hot and Cold: Uh, guys, I don't know if Bakugou's so keen on this idea...

Pinky!: ?

Uravity: What do you mean, Todoroki-kun?

Hot and Cold: I mean he's staring me down.

"They're offering to pay for you AND Deku's costumes?" Kacchan nudged his head up as a gesture to the phone.

"Uh... yea..." Todoroki-kun glanced between the two of us. He clearly was confused on signals.

"Tell them yes. They better bring it in on Friday."

Todoroki-kun typed on his phone.

Hot and Cold: Never mind, Bakugou says it's fine. Can you guys bring the costumes in on Friday?

Pinky!: YES, WE CAN!-!

Hot and Cold: Great. Thanks.

And then Kacchan walked out with the paper (probably to throw it away).

"Um, Todoroki-kun..." I looked at him.

"! Yes?"

"Your name..." I pointed to the phone, "Shouldn't you... come up with something better...? Maybe something like... F-Frozen Flame... Er, uh, that's just a suggestion, I mean..." I looked away. I didn't bring it up after that.

Todoroki's P.O.V.

Holy f*ck, that is amazing. Midoriya's amazing at coming up with names...!-!

(Truth be told, the rest of ASASO had encouraged me to make it better, but...

None of us could come up with anything that sounded good.)

I changed my name right then and there, and then Bakugou came back up and demanded we cook something for dinner.

What we didn't see, however, was the rest of the conversation...

Pinky!: Wait, do the Masters dress up too? If so, Bakugou-kun should totally be an angry porcupine!-!-!

Froppy: Would we have enough money to do that though...?

Shadow: And more importantly, is there even such a costume?

Invisible Girl!: If yes to both of those, I say we definitely buy it!-

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