chapter 17

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We never did get to be the Hero side. All Might was completely baffled at our behavior and decided to say a whole speech on protests in place of training.

And then came the next day. Luckily, All Might did not try again to do a protest lesson. Instead, we went to USJ with Aizawa and Thirteen, just like our first year. All Might was supposed to come, but apparently, he got caught up in something.

Only a few seconds after Thirteen had finished explaining, however...


Aizawa went straight into action once he saw people coming out of the black mist. That was how the USJ incident began...

"What the heck's that?! More battle robots? like during the entrance exam?" Kirishima inquired.

"That is..." Midoriya blinked.

"DON'T MOVE. THOSE ARE... VILLAINS!-!" Aizawa shouted, putting his goggles on.

"I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here?"


"THE CREEPY PEDOPHILE!-!" Midoriya pointed.

"You know that man, Bakugou?!-! Midoriya?!-!" Aizawa shouted at the pair.

"Huh? Oh, you're here, too~?" the man with the hand sneered, "It must be fate."

"YOU'RE NOT TAKING MY D*MN SLAVE, *SSHOLE!-!-!" Bakugou screamed at the villain.

"We'll see about that~"

"Tomura Shigaraki, you know those two?"

"I happened to bump into them while out for a walk... The green one would make a nice slave..."

While this conversation was going on, I was musing about how perhaps they aren't as dumb as they seem...

"Oi, Thirteen! Begin evacuation!" Aizawa shouted more orders and jumped into the crowd of villains, holding his own, as Thirteen and the rest of us started to run to the exit, but that black mist got in the way, stating information about their band of villains. Bakugou and Kirishima both headed straight for him. Thirteen told them to get back, and just then, the black mist spread around us, and we were teleported.

Izuku's P.O.V.

All of the sudden, I was reaching the ground at a high speed.


Where is Kacchan?!-!

He teleported us! Must be his Quirk!-!


They wanna kill All Might?! Just... what the h*ll is going on here?

"There you are!-!"


"IT'S NUTHIN' PERSONAL, KID, BUT... SAY GOODBYE!-!" the villain opened his mouth, but just then, Asui-san kicked the villain right in the face and grabbed me with her tongue. We were able to get on the boat that was in the flood zone. We conversed ideas about what was going on, and then Mineta, who was with us, shouted, tugging on me. I noticed there were villains all around us, and I started mumbling, thinking over our information. We conversed more and realized the villains don't know our Quirks.

Then as we were conversing, one of the villains split the boat in two, and Mineta started throwing his hair balls in the water, and he pointed at them while continuing to scream. (What is he doing?!-!) The villains stayed away from the balls and declared that once the boat went down, we'd be chum, and that only made Mineta-kun panic more. I quoted All Might, figuring out the only way we could win.

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