chapter 3

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"Bakugou, can I borrow your slave for a moment?"

"No, get your own slave, stupid half and half. This one's mine," Kacchan snarled back.

It was during lunch, and we were supposed to be heading off to the cafeteria, but we were being held up. I was quite hungry; I'd rather just eat than listen to Todoroki-kun complain about society's rules that I have already accepted... Kacchan probably felt the same, only with anger instead of irritation and tire.

"I just wish to speak with him privately for a moment."

"Well, you're not gonna get it, fucking half and half!" Kacchan snapped, "He's not going anywhere without me, especially not with you!-!"

Todoroki-kun glared at Kacchan, and I shuddered, feeling his hormones of dominance.

This was not looking good...

"Then a duel. If you won't let me speak to him willingly, I will steal Midoriya from you."

"Like hell you will!" Kacchan snapped, but Todoroki-kun just continued to stare at us with tamed fury and powerful dominance. "If you really have a problem with society's rules, what will taking my slave do?!-! If you even could!-!" Kacchan scoffed.

Todoroki-kun would win if they competed over me. I would be transferred; I would get a new Master. I have no idea how Todoroki-kun works; he's practically a stranger.

Please don't take me out of my comfort zone. I don't know you.

"Deku, stop mumbling!"

I apologized quickly in a small voice, ducking my head in submission and staring at the ground. Kacchan grabbed my hair and slapped me on my cheek.

"Stop that!-!" Todoroki-kun growled, his calm facade starting to break.

I don't get it. Why does he care about me? I don't even know him!-!

"I challenge you to a duel over Midoriya Izuku's ownership rights, Bakugou Katsuki!"

"Fine; bring it on, but you're gonna lose!-!" Kacchan spat back, "What do I get if I win?!-!"

Kacchan will lose. Kacchan will lose. Kacchan will lo-

"Shut up, stupid Deku!" Kacchan yanked on my hair and punched me in my chest. I apologized swiftly in a small voice, ducking my head in submission and staring at the ground.

"Stop beating Midoriya up, and face me, Bakugou Katsuki!-!" Todoroki-kun challenged with a serious glare.

Kacchan spat, "What I do with my slave is my business. Now what do I get if I win?"

"It's a simple duel for Midoriya."

"Hah?!" Kacchan furrowed his eyes in anger, "Then why the h*ll would I even duel you at all?! What a waste of time. If that's the case, I decline. Go ahead and challenge me tomorrow, when you actually have something to offer to me when I win," Kacchan sneered. Todoroki-kun gritted his teeth. He opened his mouth to speak, but I spoke first.

"Todoroki-kun, please just leave it be," I requested, knowing I'd be beaten for speaking when not spoken to, but I thought it was important enough. "I don't know you; I don't understand why you're fighting for me... I do not want to be your slave, Todoroki-kun," I shuddered at the thought. "I have already submitted to Kacchan... I've accepted my fate. So just leave it be..."

Todoroki-kun writhed in fury. Kacchan glared at me from the corner of his eye. He yanked on my hair, and I followed.

He snorted, "I never thought you actually wanted to be my slave. You really have been fucked up, haven't you?"

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