Chapter 15

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Izuku was taken to the hospital, and we were currently waiting in the waiting room while the doctors run some tests. I had texted Inko on the way here, and she was coming.

Now, all three of us were on our phones, looking up stuff about Abnormal Heats.

"Apparently it's more common in people who emit hormones not akin to them. Such as a beta emitting dominance hormones, or an alpha emitting submissive hormones... Izuku never has been one for emitting dominance hormones, despite being an omega..."


"Abnormal Heats aren't very well known about, Katsuki. Sure, people know they exist and a little about what they are, but the general knowledge doesn't exceed much past that. And our knowledge about Abnormal Heats isn't very much in the first place. Omega, alpha, and beta statuses all started popping up with Quirks, so since Abnormal Heats are rare and we haven't had much time to research them, there isn't much we know about them..."

"And even if Izuku does know about Abnormal Heats, it wouldn't hurt to learn some stuff about them ourselves."

"Che!" Katsuki returned to his phone.

"The Bakugous?"

"!-! How is Deku?!-!" Katsuki shot up.

"How is Izuku doing?" I asked.

"Well... Midoriya certainly is having an Abnormal Heat, I can tell you that much. He's still unconscious, and we're still running a few more tests. We were able to lower his fever a bit. He has an IV of Suppressants, so he should be all right to visit now, but just in case, I'd rather you wait until he's woken up, and we can observe his behavior.

"By the way, a doctor is on his way here. He's as much of an expert as you can find on Abnormal Heats. He'll probably ask you a few questions. He's quite the... eccentric character, but he really does mean well. He's researching Abnormal Heats as much as he can."

"We'll help in any way we can," I nodded.

"Thank you, sir," Masaru bowed slightly.

And with that, the doctor left once more.

It wasn't too much later that the researcher arrived.

"I heard that there's a young man who is going through an Abnormal Heat?!-!" a man asked the person at the desk.

"Ah, I think he's still being watched carefully by omegas only..." the person at the desk responded.

"My slave is the one going through an Abnormal Heat," Katsuki stated, "Are you the researcher the doctor told us about? The one that's researching Abnormal Heat?"

"Ah, wonderful! I'm glad I was able to find you! And yes, I am researching Abnormal Heat, among other things! So the young man is a slave, eh? Does that mean he is a Beta?"

"No. He's an Omega."

"Come; come! Let us sit down while we talk," the stranger escorted Katsuki right back to the seat he'd been sitting in, and the man sat next to him, "You must be quite strong if you enslaved an Omega! And at your age, oh my!-! When did your slave reach puberty?"

"I'm not sure, but I think it started about a month or so ago."

"I see; I see!-! When did he begin showing signs of heat?"

"He didn't, really. He entered heat while he was sleeping."

The man blinked, "Oh. I see. Interesting!-! So, you say he's an Omega, yes? Does he act like one?"

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