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Explanation (Please Read!-!-!)
Okay, I know I said I wouldn't add any new stories, but I've finally gotten out of my TG phase with My Hero Acadamia (both of which I don't own, of course), so... I've been having trouble finding some motivation/the mood to write so that I can still update regularly, and I can't afford that, considering I've been so busy with school, the play, and whatnot. So! Here y'all are: a My Hero Acadamia fanfic! A single one for when I'm in an MHA mood!

Okay, so, I don't understand omega/alpha/beta universes, and I don't know where they come from, but I've picked up a few things by reading some of those types of fanfics, and I want to try my hand at it. I'm going to add or change a few things though. And for those who don't know anything about o/b/a universes and in case I'm picking up anything wrong, I'm going to list typical things for o/b/a universes too.

(Also, tell me if you have any ideas please.)

1) Omegas smell sweet. (I'm not sure about alphas and betas yet.)

2) Bonding with an omega shows an alpha's strength; only the best alphas mate with omegas.

3) There are a few ways to bond. One way is to have sex; this can be willing or unwilling. (In other words, even if neither of them are wanting to bond, if they have sex, they're still bonded.) Another way is to undergo a bonding ritual. For this, they have to both be willing to bond with each other. Third, you can bite someone's neck, or mark them. There are more ways that I'll come up with as I go along.

4) There are a few ways to win anyone that has already bonded with someone else. I'm going to use an example. Say Kacchan bonded with Midoriya-kun, and Todoroki-kun wanted to bond with Deku-kun. He could beat Kacchan in a duel, and Deku would automatically lose his bond with Kacchan. Then Todoroki-kun could bond with Deku.

Another way would be for Todoroki-kun to enter Deku and Kacchan's bond. A threesome. For this, all of them have to bond with each other. If Kacchan and Todoroki-kun aren't bonded, it won't work; it's not a bond. In other words, to bond with Deku in this way, Todoroki-kun would also have to bond with Kacchan-and at the same time.

The third way is to undergo a ritual. Say Kacchan didn't love Deku anymore. So the two of them would have to unbond, so to speak. Then Deku is free for anyone to take him (and so is Kacchan).

Kacchan and Todoroki-kun can have a competition. For this, they can choose Deku to be the judge if they wish(, but they don't have to). The competition can be anything. It can even be an arm wrestle if they wish. This way is similar to the duel method.

There are probably more ways I haven't listed that I'm forgetting. I'll add to this list as I come up with things.

5) There is a certain age where you can bond. For my story... I'm going to say it's eighteen.

But! There is a way to bypass this, or rather, claim each other until you're old enough to really bond. So, say that Lizzy and Ciel's parents (I don't own Black Butler) want them to bond, but they're too young. Their parents hold a children's bonding ritual for the two of them. Lizzy and Ciel are now bonded in the child way. They have a bond that is not nearly as strong as an adult bond.

Once either one of them becomes eighteen, that bond is weaker, and when both of them are eighteen, the bond is practically null. Now though, they can bond as adults and really solidify their bonding/relationship.

Note though that child bonding is normally done by rich people and stuff. Child bonding isn't even widely known anyway.

6) Any gender can get pregnant, so yayyy mpreg!

7) Pregnant people smell different than normal people and bonded people. This smell attracts the father; it smells sweeter than normal to the father. But to everyone else, it - I... the... it... I... uh... they... the smell is like... frig. What is the word I'm looking for...? Well whatever, I'll make a new word then. It disattracts anyone else. (URGH THAT IS A TERRIBLE SENTENCE WHAT THE F) The smell isn't quite disgusting or anything, but it says even more boldly than a bonding smell that they are OWNED. The father also emits a certain - uhh frig Mom made me lose my train of thought... WHAT WAS THAT WORD?! Ah. They emit more hormones than when they're normal or bonded.

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