Chapter 8

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When Kacchan and I got home (luckily, Todoroki-kun is giving us a break for now and isn't pestering us, demanding a duel...), I started baking cookies. (I hope I remember everything correctly!-!) Kacchan immediately went on the computer, typing stuff up.

I really hope he likes the cookies I'm making...

Todoroki's P.O.V.

Sure, I had joined ASBO. But I had also made an organization of my own, and we were meeting right now... (I don't even know how it occurred honestly.)

We called ourselves the Anti-Slave, Anti-Society Organization. ASASO for short. (Some of us apparently prefer to call ourselves ASSASSIN though... I have no idea what that stands for.)

First order of business? We're taking this one step at a time, so we're going to take Midoriya first.

"So... how are we going to take Midoriya from Bakugou? Ribbit..."

"It does seem like it will be difficult. Bakugou clearly doesn't want to let Midoriya go, and Midoriya clearly doesn't want to be your slave, Todoroki..." Tokoyami {f. how could I forget his name...? That's his name, right...? Bird head? Dark Shadow?} said.

"But why?" Uraraka asked, concerned, "Why is he so scared of being Todoroki-kun's slave?"

"I actually researched some of that," Tokoyami took out his phone, clicked a few buttons, and passed it around, "Some slaves get what people call a Master Change Fear or Phobia. People often refer to it as MCF or MCP. That kind of slave gets attached to their Master and their Master's habits. They fear being given to a different Master because they'll have to learn all of their new Master's habits and rules. It's more frequent in slaves that have changed Masters."

The phone reached me, and I held it loosely in my hand, "Huh... so it's not, like, Stockholm's Syndrome or anything?"

Tokoyami nodded, "It's been compared with that. MCP is one of the explanations, but more often than not, it's found that slaves act like Midoriya is for a number of reasons. Midoriya might have one, a few, or even all of those reasons... Midoriya has known Bakugou since he was little, so I assume he probably has both MCP and Stockholm's Syndrome... Or at least one of those two."

I glanced at the phone, skimming through the page, and handing it to the next person.

"It could also just be that Midoriya simply doesn't understand how normal humans are treated, although I don't believe that's the case."

I raised an eyebrow, "Why not? It seems reasonable enough..."

Tokoyami shook his head, "I suspect Midoriya knows fully well that Bakugou is mistreating him... The way he speaks suggests that. When you first confronted those two, Midoriya only had sadness and pity on his face when he replied to you. He wasn't confused. He told you that he had already accepted his fate..." His phone was handed back to him as he spoke.

"But what if that was just that he knows being enslaved is wrong? What if he thinks the way Bakugou treats him is normal for a slave?" Uraraka asked, concerned, "I mean, I don't know how people normally treat slaves, but..."

Tokoyami shook his head, "Then what would changing Masters do? He knows you would treat him differently, Todoroki. That's why he doesn't want to switch Masters."

"But I would treat him better," I insisted, "So why doesn't he want to switch Masters?"

Tokoyami shook his head, "Like I said, he probably has MCP. And you can always get worse. He doesn't know if you would treat him better than Bakugou or not; to him, it's like flipping a coin. And you're risking your entire life and everything you've known on that coin flip."

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