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Our lesson with Moody had just ended and I was descending the stairwell along with Fred and George.

"Wasn't that just Brilliant!" George exclaimed, "completely demented" Fred said "Well yes, terrifying to be in the same room as him, he's really been there you know?" George responded.

"You two realise there's a reason those curses are 'unforgivable'" I said, giving them a stern look. "Why would he perform them in a classroom?!" I said when I suddenly thought of something.
"You don't think he's teaching this to all of his classes do you?" I asked the twins. Fred shrugged, "Nothing your brother can't handle, there's no need to worry" I nodded and we continued on our way to the room that held the goblet of fire.


I was sitting next to Hermione, the twins had ditched me a while ago to 'attend to some important business' in their words. So I decided to go talk to Hermione about who was putting their names in the goblet and whether or not we thought they would get chosen.

After a while of observing we suddenly heard clapping and saw Cedric practically being pushed into the circle by his friends and dropped his named in the goblet. Hermione and I cheered for him for a brief moment before turning to each other.

"I think he has a pretty solid chance" She commented
"I agree, he's very talented"
She nodded and was about to say something else when suddenly we heard shouting and turned our heads to see Fred and George running into the Hall. People started cheering for them and they ran to high-five them as if they were A-list celebrities.
"What on earth are they up to?" Hermione questions
"Hell if I knew" I responded.

Then I noticed a vile containing some sort of liquid in each of their hands and I realised what was going on. "Well lads, we've done it" Fred said and I turned to them with raised eyebrows.

"It's not going to work" I told them, Hermione who'd also caught on nodded in agreement.
"Oh yeah, and why's that Potter?"
I sighed and looked at Hermione with an expression that said 'Help Me' she smiled and pointed to the circle surround the goblet.
"See this, this is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself." She told them.
"So?" George asked and Hermione huffed in annoyance.
"So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something as pathetically dim witted as an aging potion." She said, annoyance seeping into her voice.

"Well now that's why it's so brilliant" said Fred
"'cause it's pathetically dim witted!" George concluded for him. Both of them stood up onto the bench we were sitting on and turned to each other. "Ready Fred?"
"Ready George."
"Bottoms up" they both said simultaneously as they crossed their arms and drank the potion. After drinking it they jumped into the circle, stayed silent for a moment before starting to cheer. They stopped for a moment to throw their papers into the goblet before starting to cheer again but their victory was short lived because suddenly smoky tendrils started coming out of the cup and tossed them both to the floor outside the age line. When they sat up they had both grown beards and their hair had turned white. They grabbed each other and started fighting, "You said-"
"-you said!" a group formed around them and everyone started to chant the word 'fight'.

"This is just pathetic." I said as I stood up, walked towards them and pulled both of them up by their collars. "Up you get, goodness you're childish" I said when suddenly it went quiet, and Victor came walking in to put his name in the goblet, I saw him make brief eye contact with Hermione before leaving. Okay that wasn't weird at all. He isn't like 18 or whatever.

"All right, let's get the two of you to the hospital wing" I said as I started to drag Fred and George out of the Hall.


"Madam Pomfrey! These two bafoons need help again!" I said as we entered the hospital wing.

"Oh dear what is it this ti-" she said as she came out from behind a different students bed, but cut herself off when she saw the boys. "My goodness I'm not even going to ask. Just drink this and get going" she said as she handed them both a potion, they looked at each other and quickly chugged it wincing at the bad taste it left in their mouths. Slowly their beards disappeared and their hair turned back to normal. "Okay off you go! Dumbledore wants to announce the champions for the triwizard tournament" Madam Pomfrey said as she shooed us out.

We hurriedly made our way to the great Hall. "I can't believe you two did that! How stupid can you be?" I asked in annoyance before hurrying off, them having to jog to keep up.

We made it to the Hall and everyone sat down after Dumbledore gave the order and it went quiet.
"Now the moment you've all been waiting for; the champion selection!" He said and dimmed out all the fires in the hall by throwing out his arm. "Dramatic much" I whispered to Harry who had sat down infront of me.

Dumbledore move to the Goblet of Fire and raised his arm toward it, suddenly the blue fire turned pink and a single piece of paper floated toward him. "The Dumstrang champion is..." He said and read the name on the paper, "Victor Krum!" Cheers went up and I glanced at Victor who looked way to happy with himself. He stood and made his way to Dumbledore who shook his hand and sent him away.

The fire once again turned pink and another piece of paper flew into Dumbledore's hand. "The champion for Beaux batons...Fleur Delacour!" Cheers went up as beautiful blonde girl stood up and shook Dumbledore's hand and headed in the same direction as Victor.

The last paper flew into Dumbledore's hand, "The Hogwarts Champion...Cedric Diggory!" I cheered along with the rest of the school as Cedric went to receive his congratulations from the headmaster and left.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions but in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this triumph of champions, this vessel of victory, the triwizard cup!" He said and pointed to the cup that Crouch had placed there a moment ago. But I wasn't looking at the cup, I was looking at the Goblet of fire. Firy tendrils started snaking out, it clearly wasn't supposed to do that as Dumbledore turned to look at it in confusion. The hall went silent as everyone also noticed what was going on. The fire turned pink again.

"The hell" I heard Fred mutter as another paper shot out from the cup and made it's way into Dumbledore's hand. Dumbledore looked at the name and said it so quietly that it was hard to hear, but there was no mistaking it. My fears were confirmed when Dumbledore said it again but louder this time. "Harry Potter." I grabbed Harry's shoulder as he sat down, clearly trying to hide. "Harry...how did this happen" he shook his head, he didn't know. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouted this time, causing me to flinch. "You have to go Harry, we'll figure out what's going on later." I told him and helped him hoist himself up. He glanced at me, clearly scared to death and I just nodded at him and mouthed "you'll be okay." The hall was silent as Harry made his way toward Dumbledore who simply handed him his paper. Everyone looked at him with judgment, some with disdain.

"He's a cheat!" Someone yelled, "He's not even seventeen yet!" Someone else said. He slowly made his way past the teachers and left along the same way everyone else did.

What the hell just happened.

A/N: Hi... it's been a while. I'm alive though so that's good. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, things are about to get hectic so hold on to your seats.


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