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The next afternoon you were once again walking with your brother and his friends, passing by the executioner that was busy sharpening his axe. You all slowly walked by him, glaring as he so casually made ready to spill the blood of an innocent creature. You were, to put it simply, disgusted. He looked up at you, giving you a wicked smile, sending a shiver down your spine and you folded your arms infront of you as the three of you finally passed him.

"Can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak it's just too horrible" Hermione said with a slight quiver in her voice, "Just got worse" Ron said once the sight of three boys came into your line of sight...Malfoy and his cronies, you sighed softly as the three of you continued to walk towards them. "Look who's here" One of the boys said as soon as they spotted you, "Ah, come to see the show?" Malfoy asked which angered Hermione, she stormed towards him, "You! You foul, loathsome evil little cockroach!" She exclaimed shoving her wand in his face, causing malfoy to wimper, "'Mione no, he's not worth it" You said placing your hand on her shoulder, she hesitated before slowly taking her arm away. Malfoy started laughing, terrible decision really, cause just as he started, Hermione swung around, her fist following and hit him square in the nose, causing him to crumple to the ground groaning. His two friends immediately helped him, "Malfoy! You okay?" One of them asked as they started running off, "Let's go!" He said again as Malfoy glanced back at you, which made you shrug before turning back to Hermione, "That felt good" Said Hermione with a small smile, "Not good... Brilliant!" Said Ron, "I'll admit, it was a great hit" You stated with a laugh. The three of you headed down the steps on your way to Hagrid's hut that was at the very bottom, Ron upfront, Harry behind him, Hermione going second to last and you bringing up the rare as you jogged down the small steps untill you finally reached Hagrids hut glancing at Buckbeak on your way.

You knocked on the door and Hagrid opened it to see the four of you, he ushered you in and quickly served you tea, "Oh look at him" Said Hagrid, "Loves the smell of the trees that the wind blows through" He stated looking out the window as you sat down in one of the chairs, "Why don't we just set him free?" Your brother asked Hagrid as he stood beside the half giant. "Ah you know if it was me... Dumbledore'd be gettin in trouble...been comin down you know, Dumbledore, says he wants to be with me when they...when it happens" He said sadly, "Great man Dumbledore...great man" He said turning back around to face you, tossing some kind of food to one of his creatures in the process. "We'll stay with you too Hagrid" Hermione said standing up, you looked up at her with a sad look in your eyes. "You'll do no such thing!" Hagrid ordered, "I don't want you seeing something like that...you just drink your tea and be off" He said before turning to Ron, "Oh, before you do Ron.." He said going to take something out of a container, revealing Ron's rat. Ron immediately stood up going over to him, "Scabbers" He said in disbelief, "Your alive" He said happily taking the rat from Hagrid, "Better keep a closer eye on your pets Ron" Hagrid said and Hermione approached them making you sigh, "Think that means you owe someone an apology" She said nearing Ron, "Right, next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know"
"I meant me!" Hermione said angered, when suddenly, the vase behind her broke, "Hermione, what was that?" Hagrid asked, Hermione walked forward and took a rock from the table, "Ow!" You heard Harry exclaim, seeing a similar rock hit him in the head, "Hagrid" He said ushering Hagrid over to the window where you could see Fudge, Dumbledore and the executioner approaching, "Crikey, It's late, it's nearly dark, you shouldn't be here" Hagrid said turning to face us, "If someone sees you outside of the castle this time of night you'll be in trouble, especially you Harry" Hagrid sent a pointed look Harry's way when a knock sounded at the door, "With you in a moment!" He exclaimed covering a creatures egg with a blanket, "Quick, quick" He ushered us out through the backdoor, "Hagrid... It'll be fine, it'll be okay" Harry said before quickly following behind you as you exited through the back door just as the three grownups entered at the other side. You quickly ran and hid behind a stack of pumpkins, peering over the top, listening to the minister as he read the verdict out loud when you heard a twig snap behind you causing both you and Hermione to turn around, "What?" Asked Harry, "Thought I just saw...Never mind" Hermione said, "Let's go" Ron said and the four of you stared running up the hill again, going to stand by one of the large stone pillars, you watched as the executioner came out of the hut, both your and Hermione's eyes tearing up, the executioner brought down his axe on Buckbeak's neck causing crows that was sitting around to fly up in fright. Hermione hugged Ron, as she started to cry and you wrapped your arms around your brother as silent tears slid out of your eyes and rolled down your cheek, Ron suddenly gasped dropping his rat making you look up. "He bit me" Ron said looking at his rat, "Scabbers!" He said and started chasing after the rat causing you to sigh, "Ron?" Hermione questioned as the four of you started to run after him, "Ron!" You exclaimed as Ron called for the rat to come back, "Wait!" Harry shouted as you ran after Ronald quickly coming to a stop when Ron caught the rat, "Harry, you do realise what tree this is" Hermione said looking at three tree in horror, "That's not good... Ron run!" Harry shouted making Ron look up and widen his eyes, "Harry, (y/n), Hermione run!" He exclaimed, "It's the Grim!" And you turned around to see a large black dog growling at you, it ran towards you and jumped over Harry, Hermione and yourself, grabbing Ron by his ankle and dragged him towards the entrance in the Womping Willow. You quickly sprinted after them, jumping into the hole just before the branches could hit you, leaving your brother and Hermione outside.

[A/n]: One more chapter! (I think) hope you enjoyed. Please comment (if you want) and vote.

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