•7• (Edited)

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The holidays were over, and you could sense spring in the air. Snow around Hogwarts started to melt and the Womping Willow shook off its branches to get ready for new leaves to grow, you were sitting with Angelina and Alicia in the common room after school, waiting for Harry to return from his first Patronus lesson with Remus. You were writing ideas for future pranks in a notebook, as a favour to the twins, while listening to a conversation the girls were having. You heard the portrait swing open seeing a tired Harry stumbling through and you stood up going over to him, steadying him in your arms, "You alright there Harry?" You asked him bending down slightly to come face to face with him and he nodded, "Brilliant really" He said with a smile before going up to his dorm causing you to shake your head before you sat down to resume your conversation with the girls.


The next day, you were sitting outside discussing your plans with the twins when you saw the Golden trio walking by, you smiled, deciding you wanted to spend a bit more time with your brother you quickly greeted the twins running up to them, "Hey guys, Beautiful day isn't it?" You asked walking beside Harry, "Gorgeous" Said Ron, "Unless of course you've been ripped to pieces" He added in irritation, causing you to furrow your brows im confusion, "Ripped to pieces? What are you talking about?" Harry asked making Hermione glance back at you, "Ronald, has lost his rat" She said with a slight eye roll. "I haven't lost anything!" Ron declared, "Your cat killed him" He accused as Hermione sped up her pace, "Rubbish" she said annoyed, Ron looked back at Harry and I, "Harry." He said, "You've seen the way that bloodthirsty beast is always lurking about...and Scabbers is gone!" He said turning to face the front again, "Ron, Maybe you should learn to take better care of your pets..." You said softly, "Thank you!" You heard Hermione shout from the front, "But Hermione's cat killed him!"
"Did not!" Hermione defended.
You sighed and looked at Harry, shaking your head with a slight smile. You followed the Trio to the lake where you found Hagrid skipping rocks, Harry and you sat down on a rock as Hermione and Ron continued standing, "How'd it go Hagrid, the hearing?" You asked the half giant in concern, hoping that he hadn't got sacked. "Well... first of, the committee members was talkin' about why we were there'" He said in a slight mocking voice before skipping another rock, "And then I got up, did my piece, said how Buckbeak was a good hippogriff, always cleaned his feathers and then... Lucious Malfoy got up, you can imagine he said; Buckbeak is a deadly and dangerous creature who would kill ye, as soon as look at ye" He said, skipping another, "And then he asked for the worst, good old Lucious..." Hagrid said, "They're not sacking you?" Ron asked concerned, "No.. I'm not sacked... Buckbeak's been sentenced to death!" He sobbed causing a slight gasp to escape your lips and you all stayed quiet, allowing Hagrid to mope.


That night you were walking with Remus through the halls, to try and catch up with your guardian when you heard the sound of voices around the corner causing you to keep quiet. You could vaguely hear Harry say, "Messrs Moony... Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs...offer their compliments to professor Snape and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business" he stated making you smile, man did you love that map, "Why you insolent little-" but Snape was cut off by Remus, "Professor" he said as the two of us walked up to them, "Well, well, Lupin, out for a little walk...in the moonlight...are we?" Snape said giving you a glance, you and Remus walked forward as you went to stand beside your brother, "Harry" You said looking at him, "You alright?" You asked and he nodded slightly, "That remains to be seen" Snape droned grabbing the Map out of Harry's hand, "I have just now confiscated a rather curious artefact from mister Potter, take a look Lupin, it's supposed to be your area of expertise, clearly, it's full of dark magic" he said as you tried to hold in your laughs, placing your hand on Harry's shoulder, "I seriously doubt is Severus, it seems to me it is merely a parchment designed to insult anyone who tries to read it, I suspect it's a Zonkos product" he said looking at Harry, causing said boy to nod in agreement. "But nevertheless, I shall investigate any hidden qualities it may posses, it is afterall, as you say, my area of expertise" Remus said looking Snape dead in the eyes, "Harry, would you come with (y/n) and I please?" He asked and you pushed your brother to follow him, "Goodnight Professor" You told professor Snape making him nod in acknowledgement as the three of you headed down the hall.

After a while of walking you arrived at the DADA classroom, you and Harry following behind Remus, "Now I haven't the faintest idea how this map came to be in your possession" Remus said causing you to smirk slightly as you looked down, "And quite frankly I am astounded that you didn't hand it in, did it ever occur to you, that this in the hands of Sirius Black, is a map to you?" He asked and your smirk fell making you look up, Harry shook his head, "No?" Remus asked, "No sir" Harry said softly as Remus walked towards him, "Now your father never was one to go by the rules either, but he and your mother gave their lives to save yours..." Remus said, "Rem-" you began but was cut off, "and gambling their sacrifices by wandering around the castle, unpretected with a killer on the loose seems to be a pretty poor way to repay them!" He scolded causing you to wince slightly, "Now I will not cover for you again Harry, do you hear me?" Remus asked, his voice softer, "Yes sir" Harry said looking down, "I want you to return to your dormitory, and stay there" He said and Harry nodded turning and starting to walk away, "And don't take any detours, if you do" He said tapping the map, "I shall know" he said and Harry continued walking. You were about to open your mouth to say something when Harry stopped, "Professor..." He said hesitantly, "I don't think that map always works" He said and you furrowed your brows, "Earlier on, it showed someone in the catsle, someone I know to be dead" He said, Remus looked at him, "Really? Who then?" He asked him, "Peter Pettigrew" Harry answered causing you to gasp, "That's not possible" Remus whispered, "It's what I saw" Harry said before finally leaving the classroom. You looked shocked as you turned to Remus, "That could mean that Sirius is innocent..." You said earning a nod from Remus, "Maybe...maybe Peter was the one who ratted them out after all" You muttered and Remus looked to you, "I get the feeling that you are right, (y/n)...now...do you have any idea how Harry got this map?" He asked and you smiled nervously while scratching your neck, "Well..."

[A/n]: Ahhh, I went over my word limit...oh well, hope you enjoyed, 2 more chapters before this year will be ending. Please vote and feel free to comment.

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