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Once we finally reached the top seats of the stands the Quidditch players for the Irish zoomed overhead, decked in green and white Quidditch robes and Fred shouted, "It's the Irish!" Before both him and and George start naming every one of the players. Green and white fireworks went off forming the figure of a leprechaun that started to dance. "Here come the Bulgarians!" George suddenly shouts, and sure enough, the Quidditch players decked in red zooms into sight flying right through the leprechaun causing it to disappear. Victor flew a bit infront of the rest of his team, doing a quick trick on his broom. "Who's that?!" Hermione asked and Fred is quick to answer, "That there is the best seeker in the world!" He exclaimed loudly. Suddenly a moving image of Krum appears on one side of the pitch and people start chanting his name. His picture flies halfway across the stands before coming to a stop. Fred and George loudly chants his name making me wince but cheer along with them nonetheless.

The noise started to quiet down as the minister spoke, "Good evening! As minister of magic...it gives me great pleasure...to welcome each and everyone of you...to the final, of the 422...Quidditch world cup...Let the match begin!" He exclaimed and soon the people in the stands were roaring again.


The Irish had won the match, but the snitch had been caught by Victor. Fred and George had clearly forgotten about our bet but they were having so much fun I didn't have the heart to remind them just yet. The two of them were dancing happily around the tent celebrating the win of the Irish and I stood off to the side watching in amusement. Ron stepped onto the little stool between them and said loudly, "There's no-one like Krum!" Fred and George started shouting Krum's name in a mocking manner, "He's like a bird the way he rides the wind." Ronald added causing the twins to start flapping their arms still chanting the name. "He's more than and athlete, he's an artist." Ron said as Ginny walked past, "I think you're in love Ron." She mocked making me giggle and earning a "Shut up" from Ron. "Victor I love you-" Fred sang, "Victor I do-" George added and you and Harry joined in on the last bit, "When we're apart my heart beats only for you!"

The noise outside started getting louder and Fred seemed to notice as well, "It sounds like the Irish have got their Pride on." He said grabbing a pillow to throw Ron with, just then Arthur came in, "Stop! Stop it! It's not the Irish, we've gotta get out of here now!" He ordered and we headed for the exit, Harry running in the front. I grabbed Fred's wrist and pulled him out with me and the sight I saw once I exited made me suck in my breath loudly. The whole camp sight was on fire and people were running in panic. "Get back to the portkey everybody and stay together! Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility!" Arthur ordered and I, still holding onto Fred started running. I pushed my way through the streams of people allowing my feet to guide me. "You alright Fred? Are the others following us?!" I shouted with looking at him, "Yeah! Everyone's here I think!" He shouted and I nodded.

Soon enough we reach the portkey and I stopped. I turned to face everybody and did a quick head count, "Where's Harry?" I asked, "Where's my brother?!" I asked loudly looking at the twins with panic in my eyes. "We'll go find him! The fire ought to be out once we reach the grounds again!" Hermione said grabbing Ron's wrist as they quickly sprinted off, "Hermione Jean Granger! Get back here!" I exclaimed trying to run after them but Fred held me back, "Fred-" But I was cut off, "No (y/n), they'll be fine. We should wait here." He said looking at me as I sat down. "You owe me." I said and he nodded, "Yeah alright-" I cut him off by looking up with a small smirk, "No I mean you owe me twenty galleons, I won the bet." I stated earning groans from both him and George, "(y/n), we don't exactly have twenty galions." George muttered, "I know, don't worry, I was only joking." I stated with a smile up at them, "Now sit down one of you, I want a pillow." I said with an exasperated yawn. Fred and George had a silent conversation with their eyes before Fred sighed, sitting down beside me and I immediately let my head fall into his shoulder, falling asleep not long after.

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