•6• (Edited)

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Later that day you were standing over an unconscious Harry along with Hermione, Ron, Neville, Seamus and the twins. "He looks a bit peaky doesn't he" Ron remarked, "Peaky? What to you expect?" Asked Fred, "He fell over a hundred feet" Said Seamus, "Yeah, c'mon Ron, let's walk you off the astronomy tower" Said George, "And see what you look like" Added Fred making you shake your head in amusement when you heard Harry's voice, "Probably a right sight better than he normally does" causing you to look in his direction, "Harry, you're awake!" You said and he let out a half-hearted chuckle, "How're you feeling?" Asked Hermione as Harry started to sit up, "Oh brilliant" He stated as George walked over to him, "You gave us a right good scare there mate." Harry put on his glasses, "What happened?" He groggily asked, "Well, you fell off your broom" Stated Ron, "Really?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm, "I mean the match, who won?" He asked as the twins glanced over at the Hufflepuff team a few beds down, "Nobody blames you Harry" You said taking his hand in yours and giving it a squeeze, "The Dementors aren't supposed to come inside the grounds, Dumbledore was furious" Hermione Added as she stood, "As soon as he saved you he sent them straight off" You said when Ron spoke up again, "There's uh, something else you should know too Harry." He nervously said causing you to wince at what he was about to say, "Uhm, when you fell, your broom it..it sort of...blew into the Womping Willow, and... well it's uh..." He said trailing off, you could see the dread filling Harry's eyes.


It was now a few days later and snow covered the grounds of Hogwarts. You were outside with the Weasley twins building a snowman as Filch ushered the kids to hurry up before they miss the train to Hogsmead, after a bit you and the twins noticed footprints appearing in the snow making you shake your head in amusement realising that it was Harry under his invisibility cloak. The twins went forward and grabbed his arms dragging him inside while you followed behind, "Guys let me go!" Ordered Harry, "Clever Harry" Said Fred, "But not Clever enough!" Added George and you laughed, "Besides, we've got a better way" You stated running up beside them, "Guys no, I'm trying to get to Hogsmead" Complained Harry, "We know" The three of you said once you reached a secluded hallway, "Don't Worry" Said Fred, "We'll get you there a quicker way" Said George again, "If you pipe down" You added from beside them as Harry still struggled against them sneezing during the process, "Bless you" Fred said. "Let me go, c'mon guys" Your brother said again.

"Now Harry" Said George, "Come and join the big boys" They stated simultaneously causing you to slap their upper arms, "I'm here too you know" You stated and pulled Harry's cloak off and he glared at you, "What are you doing?!" He asked as the three of you shushed him and Fred shoved the Marauders map into his hands, "What's this rubbish?" He asked still agrivated making you snort, "What's this rubbish he says" Mocked Fred, "That there is the secret to our success" You added, "Oh so your part of their little pranking group now?" Harry asked cocking a brow making you look at him, "It's a wrench giving it to you believe me" Said George, "But we've decided, your needs are greater than ours" Fred said again as you nodded in agreement, "(y/n), If you will" Said Fred gesturing to the map as you pulled out your wand, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" You said with a flick of your wand as ink started to spread through the page, becoming the front of the Map. "Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to Present, The Marauders Map" Harry read aloud, "We owe them so much" Said George as you and Fred nodded, watching closely as Harry opened it. "Hang on, this is Hogwarts... and that...no...is that really-" He got cut off by Fred and George, "Dumbledore"
"In his study"
"He does that a lot" You added as an after thought.
"So this map shows-"
"Everyone" Said Fred
"Everyone" George said this time, "Where they are" Fred said, "What their doing" You said. "Every minute-"
"-Of evey day" The twins finished the sentence.
"Brilliant! Where'd you get it?" Asked Harry looking at the twins, "Apparently they stole it from Filch's office" You said leaning against the wall beside Fred as they nodded, "First year actually" He stated, "Now listen, there are seven secret passage ways around the castle, we recommend-" He said as the three of you leaned over pointing to a passage on the map, "This one" The three of you said simultaneously before you went into a description, "The one eyed witch passage way, it leads you straight to Honeydukes cellar. But you should Hurry, Filch is heading this way" You said pointing to the Map, "Oh and Harry when your done, give it a tap and say-" You said before the twins cut you off, "Mischief managed" they said and you shook your head, "Otherwise anyone could read it" You said patting his shoulder, "Now go on" Fred said before the three of you turned and walked off.


A while later you were in Zonkos, buying a few supplies while the twins waited outside, they don't know what you're buying yet. You quickly finished up and exited the shop to see Fred and George talking to Malfoy, "You look like you just saw a Werewolf" You heard George say jokingly, you now saw Malfoy's battered up condition, "Shove off Weasley" He grumbled stalking closer to him, when you decided to intervene, "Hey Fred, George! I got us some-" But you cut yourself off and looked at Malfoy, pretending to look surprised, "Oh hey Malfoy" You said as you came to a stop beside Fred, "Asking a girl to buy you your stuff Weasleys, shouldn't it be the other way around? Oh wait...you don't have enough money" Malfoy said completely ignoring your greeting, "Actually Malfoy, it seems you have missed the part where I said 'us', meaning, I didn't buy it for them alone, I bought it for purposes that include the three of us" You explained slowly while making large gestures with your hands as you spoke. Malfoy huffed in defeat, "Anyway Malfoy, what happened, you look like you just saw a werewolf" You stated, copying George's words from earlier, "Hey! That's what I said!" George exclaimed causing you to playfully roll you're eyes, "Now, mind explaining?" You asked Malfoy again, "I don't have to explain anything to you!" He said before storming off, "Eh, at least I tried" You said turning to face the twins, "You two ready to start inventing?" You asked holding up the bags.

[A/n]: Here's a bit more interaction with the twins, I'm not sure where Angelina and Alicia disappeared off to heh...anyway, hope you enjoyed, I'll most likely end the year in the next chapter, or maybe 2 more chapters. Depends on how many words it takes. Please Vote and feel free to comment.

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