•3• (Edited)

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It was the Monday after the Hogsmead weekend and you were sitting at the breakfast table stabbing tiredly at your bacon sitting on your plate, "Why does this bacon not want to go onto my fork..." You muttered bitterly to yourself, just feeling annoyed seeing as you weren't exactly a morning person. Suddenly two hands clasped your shoulders on either side making you jump, "Morning (y/n)!" You heard the voice of George...or was it Fred behind you, "We, have a proposal" said the other one as they both sat down on either side of you, you sighed, "What?" You snapped quickly as you finally managed to get some bacon on your fork and shoved it into your mouth. The twins exchanged looks, "Wellll, we've been planning a prank you see-" You cut Fred off by a sudden mood change as your head shot up, "Go on." You said interested as you tilted your head slightly, George, who was sitting on your right chuckled, "Indeed, we're planning on pranking Snape you see..." You smirked, "Oh, I wouldn't mind pranking the dungeon bat" You stated, "I'm assuming you guys already have a plan?" You asked turning around so your back faced the table, leaning back on your elbows. The boys nodded, "Yeah, we'll discuss it with you at lunch?" Fred said with a questioning tone, and you nodded eagerly, "Sounds good".


Now you were sitting in potions class, your last class before lunch, listening to Snape's monotone voice drone on about some kinda potion, obviously. You actually quite liked professor Snape, he doesn't give you quite the trouble he gives Harry, which confuses you slightly. You don't really find anyone...bad at the school, but apparently your brother has this rivalry with some Malfoy kid who you've yet to meet. But you're sure he's not THAT bad.

You were cut of from your thoughts by the sound of chairs scraping against the floors and looked up to see everyone leaving the class. You quickly got up and made your way out, heading to the great hall to discuss your plan with the twins. So you walked down the hallways, your eyes running over the moving portraits on the walls, your feet tapping loudly against the floor, echoing loudly off the walls when suddenly you were yanked into a small seperate hallway by a certain set of twins, "We're not discussing-" Started George, "-everything in the great hall" Said Fred finishing the sentence, "Oh? Why's that?" You asked, "Cause, dear (y/n)" said Fred, "We don't want someone eavesdropping now do we?" You sighed, "Alright, but you guys owe me food" you said and sat down against the wall, "Well then, tell me everything I need to know" you said as they sat down infront of you.

You now not only knew about the plan to prank Snape, but they also told you about the Marauders map, showing you how it worked etcetera, etcetera. You three will be pulling the prank tonight, and all you could think was, 'Man, Snape's gonna hate me after this' and you would snort every time you thought it.

You had the same mischievous look that the twins had in your eyes for the rest of the day, and a small smirk graced your features, that's of course, untill you walked into a stare down between your brother and some kid with platinum blonde hair. They both had their wands out, pointing them at eachother, rage flickering in their eyes making you frown as you walked closer, and just as they were about to shoot their first spells you interjected, "Expeliarmus" you merely stated with a flick of your wand and both of theirs' flew into your hand, "Harry, having a duel in school is strictly against the rules, unless you're at the dueling club of course...but it's still against the rules" you stated trying to keep a straight face at the irony of your words, as you were gonna participate in pranking a teacher the very same night. Harry looked down in shame and you turned to his rival, "I'm assuming you're Draco Malfoy then?" You asked, your small smirk returning, " ‘course I am" he bit with a sneer, but you could see a twitch in his lips, "Well, here's your wand Malfoy, and please, do try to not kill my brother, he's annoying as hell yes, but my brother non the less" you said as you handed him his wand and tossed Harry his, "Now if you don't mind, I'm having a rather important meeting with a specific pair of Weasley's in a few minutes" you said and dragged your brother away before whispering in his ear, "Off to break a few rules y'know" Making him snort before turning and joining his friends as you headed to the astronomy tower where you agreed to meet the twins.


"Kay, I'll distract the guy, you two do your thing" you told the twins as you headed to Snape's quarters, they hid around a corner and you headed up to his door and knocked, he opened the door with an annoyed look, "And what, may I ask, would you want at a time like this miss Potter, it's an hour before curfew" He said in his usual monotone, "Professor, I want to ask something concerning the outbreak of my-...of Sirius Black, I mean" you stated, stopping yourself just before you could call him your Godfather, yes, you knew, Remus told you everything. Snape sighed, "Alright then Miss Potter, just because I like you more than a fair amount of the students, let's take a walk shall we?" He said and you smiled with a nod before walking off, giving the twins the perfect opportunity to finish the prank. You asked him a few questions concerning the dementors and the apparent crimes your Godfather committed, how bad of a man he really is.


The very next day an angry looking Snape stormed into the great hall, his hair soft, luscious, and a very nice shade of hot pink. You and the twins couldn't help but burst out laughing and Snape immediately started scolding you. That afternoon you were walking back to your common room with the twins, "Can't believe I'm serving detention tomorrow" you stated with a sigh, "But it was totally worth it" you added which caused the twins to snicker. And you, soon, joined in.

A/n: I don't really have anything to say tbh, just that I hope you enjoyed I suppose, please vote and feel free to comment.

His sister (Fred Weasley x Potter reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt