Celebrating Ten Years

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The morning light came drifting in through the window by my bedside. Blinking and rubbing the fog from my eyes, I set my gaze on my husband laying by my side. Ten years have passed since I shared my coming out story as Sam and just as the seasons have changed, so have I.

"Good morning sleepy head." I said as I stretched out my arms and let out a big yawn. No response came from Kris except a subtle snore.

I chuckled to myself as I reached down to pet our dog-child Jango.

"And good morning to you too." I said quietly to our furry friend while kissing the top of her head.

Looking up at the ceiling of our house, I began to imagine what my life was like in the past. Here I am now a homeowner, accomplished indie singer/songwriter, a promising new actor, and now working a 9 to 5 as a banker. I can't believe how peaceful and fulfilling my life has become since I came out.

Stepping out from the comfort of our bed I feel the cold wood floors meet my feet. It's 7am and I have to get ready for work soon.

"Coffee... I need coffee." I make my way to the kitchen and walking down the hallway I am greeted to a view of our beautiful backyard coming out of the darkness as the sun begins to rise over the city.

Hearing the birds singing, seeing life come into color, I feel myself begin to buzz with excitement as a brand new day has presented itself with another opportunity to live authentically.

Pouring myself a cup of cold brew and adding a splash of creamer I am reminded that as much as I have changed some things still haven't changed... Or maybe it's not that I have changed but that I have grown into who I was meant to be...

It's too early for me to get this deep, but what I want to tell you in this Ten Year Anniversary chapter of "Young, Gay, Love". There is so much life to live. There is so much yet to discover in the unknown. No matter where you are in your journey just know that when it gets tough it will get better. Just keep moving forward at your own pace and you will find your bliss.

As Sam, I want to thank you all for helping keep my story alive. This story is far from perfect. It's messy, cringe, and immature. But in all that, the narrative comes from a real place and while there is so much room for judgement, you the readers gave me a voice since I began sharing my story with you.

Looking out and waking up with the world I am thankful. I am grateful to be alive and overjoyed that I chose to be unapologetically me all those years ago. By choosing to embrace my truth in a moment of time where nothing seemed to make sense, I found myself. And I am so happy to have made that choice in 2013 as it has led me to where I am today here in the New Year of 2023.

Thank you again for giving me the gift of being heard. Thank you for making it this far with me. And who knows, maybe someday I will write a new story on how Sam met Kris.

Happy Ten Years YGL. You gave me a real happy ending.

Sincerely yours always,

Hilton Jr.

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