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Enid's POV

I wake up to the same position I was when I went to sleep, with Wednesday cuddled on on me.

"Hey." She says in a raspy voice.

"Hey." I respond softly. "To be honest, I thought I would wake up to you. Glad I was wrong."

Wednesday lifts her head up, making eye contact. "I would never leave, especially after you gave yourself to me last night." I look at her smirked lips and kiss her.

"I'ma shower." I sit up straight.

"Want me to join you?" She smirks again.

"Tempting, but no, I don't wanna be late to class." I say getting up but fall to the ground.

Wednesday immediately gets up from bed and comes to me. "Are you okay?" She says with soft eyes.

"I'm fine, guess your work left me sore." I chuckle.

"Looks like you will need my assistance after all, love."

"Ooh, I like the sound of that." I smirk.

"Almost as much as I love the sound of your moans." She smirks.

"Uh- I- Are you going to help me or not?" I say a bit embarrassed. I see Wednesday smile a bit, almost chuckling.

No One's POV

The two naked girls make their way to the bathroom. They enter the shower together, bathing each other, sneaking in kisses and hickeys.

*** In biology

"Soo, how did it go?" Yoko asks Enid. "And by judging the way you where limping to get here, I'm guessing it went well." She smirks.

"Wayyy better than well, amazing." Enid whispers. "It's like..." Enid gets closer to Yoko. "She made me feel things I didn't know I could feel. I'm so lucky that my first time wasn't all awkward and weird y'know, it was perfect."

"Now you making me jealous, my first time with Divina was awkward at first but then as we continued it wasn't."

"Speaking of Divina. You guys made up?"

"Yup, we made out." Yoko says, Enid chuckles.


"I heard from Yoko that you guys were going to do it. Did you?" Xavier refers to Wednesday and Enid.

"The fact that you think I would talk to you about things like this is absurd." Wednesday turns her head to Xavier and then forward.

Xavier stays silent. "We did, it was amazing." Wednesday speaks, feeling bad.

"Good to know I got somewhere under your skin." He chuckles.

"Want me to actually cut under your skin?" She says, Xavier just smiles.

*** Time 7:43pm, Enid's POV

I hear the door open. "Babe, Hey-." I cut off in shock.

"Aw hey baby, I missed you." Erica says smirking, walking closer to Enid.

"Get the hell away from me." Enid says with anger in her voice.

"I thought we had something?" Erica pouts.

"We were never anything."

"Don't deny it, you and me both know their was something." She walks closer to Enid, she steps away. "I genuinely love you, Enid." She says softly.

"I don't. I love-"

"Wednesday, I know." Erica steps away, rolling her eyes. She sighs. "I guess I have another reason to kill her." She chuckles.

Wenclair (Black Cat X Golden Retriever)Where stories live. Discover now