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Enid's POV

I've been thinking about considering Yoko's plan, but I'd feel bad if I followed through. She wanted me to bribe someone into flirting with Erica and kissing her, making it look like she cheated on me, then I'd have an excuse to break up with her, hoping that it won't make me feel much guilt for breaking up with her. I probably would have felt worse. So, I decided after all my classes to just end things with Erica. I was about to knock on Erica's dorm room but heard voices.

No One's POV

"She is so annoying!" Erica said raising her voice.

"Who?" A girl's voice questions.

"That bitch; Addams! Who else?" Erica yelled, sighing. "She totally embarrassed me today during lunch! I need to get rid of her, without Enid finding out it was me."

"Damn, she embarrassed you that bad, you want to kill her, like actually?"

"You don't know the whole story. That man that Wednesday's mother; Morticia Addams, killed, he was my father's best friend. After that he swore to end her when the time was right. I was 7!" Erica yells, wanting to cry. "When Gomez decided to stab him in the heart with me watching from the staircase, to protect his lover. My mom got depressed because of his death, she committed suicide."

"Oh my God."

"After that I've been from foster home to foster home until I wanted the kill myself, I jumped off from the roof but somehow survived, I wasn't the same." Erica says as she gives life to a recently dead rat found in the room. "What coincidence that I tried to kill myself and I get the powers to bring back the dead and afterwards the ability to control if they live or die." Erica chuckles. "I would bring back my father and mother, but my powers only bring the early dead back."

Hearing all this Enid is in horror. She decides to not say anything as she doesn't want to risk making things worst in any way. She goes to her dorm and sees Xavier on Wednesday's bed; she immediately gets jealous.

*** Meanwhile

Xavier knocks on Wednesday's dorm door.

"What's the visit for?" Wednesday's looks up at the tall artist as she opens the door.

"Wanted you to admit that you have a crush on Enid." He says before looking around making sure Enid wasn't there to hear.

"I don't have a crush."

"Mhm, I see the looks you two give each other, it's so obvious." He lies about it being obvious to trick her.

"Wait really? You think people suspect something." Wednesday says and immediately regrets it, knowing what the artist was up to. "Pathetic, I can't believe I failed for it."

"No, it isn't that obvious but when you gonna confess and try to win her? I can see she likes you back." He says chuckling at her reaction.

Wednesday sighs in defeat, accepting that there isn't a way to escape from the obvious. "Even if she did like me back, I'm terrible at confessing and expressing my feelings in words. I want to be able to be a good partner to her."

Suddenly Enid walks in.

"Hey." Enid says annoyed to see Xavier. "What is he doing here?" She asks Wednesday.

Xavier leans down to Wednesday's ear and whispers, "Looks like she's jealous. I guess I was kind of right about you guys being obvious." Xavier chuckles as he leaves and gives Wednesday a wink. "Bye guys."

"Bye." Only Wednesday says as he leaves closing the door.

"So, you guys suddenly become super close overnight, become best friends, and now wink at each other?" Enid says going to her side and sits on her bed.

"First, he winked not me. Second, no need to feel jealous he's just my male best friend. You know you're my main best friend." Wednesday says bringing comfort to the werewolf.

"Speaking of which, I don't like the way you spoke to Erica during lunch." Enid says trying to forget what she discovered for the moment.

"Well, you made it up to her, didn't you? You told her how pretty she was." Wednesday said remembering how she felt and got jealous and turned to her bed.

"You're beautiful." Enid confesses truthfully.

Wednesday faces Enid and smirks. "Notice how you called me beautiful and her pretty."


"Make sure to tell her, I want her to know."

"Hmm" Enid says and both girls just stare at each other for a long time.

"We should get ready for Weems's birthday party." Wednesday says gasping looking to her side, breaking the eye contact.

"Oh right. Yeah. That." Enid says quickly as she snaps out of her trance.

At the party, 8:03pm

Enid went to the party with her date, Erica. Wednesday and Xavier went together as a friendly date. And so did Yoko and Ajax. The duos arrive all together. Except for Enid and Erica who arrive last.

"Wow, Wednesday, you look amazing." Enid compliments Wednesday as she makes her way through the crowd and looks at her.

"Thanks." Wednesday looks at Enid up and down. "You are breath taking." Xavier then lowers his head and whispers. "Obvious." He says in a singing voice.

Erica notices Enid's change in expression as she looks at the two. 'Is she seriously jealous.' She thinks to herself.

"Hey, look it's the two best friends. Sure you ain't friends with benefits?" The same guy from biology speaks up as he passes through, chuckling. His comment gives an idea to Wednesday.

"I need to talk to you." Wednesday speaks to Xavier as she walks a private area away from everyone, Xavier following behind.

"So, you know how I'm not sure if Enid likes me back?" Wednesday says looking around making sure no one is around to hear.

"Um, I think it's pretty obvious." He says, earning Wednesday to step harshly on his foot. "Ow! I can't believe you would do that!"

"Why do I get the feeling some people don't take my threatens seriously."

"I don't know, maybe cause they notice your soft side towards Enid?" Xavier says as he kneels down to tend to his foot. His comment makes Wednesday think about her being 'soft'.

"Never mind, I think I can tell her that I need practice on my kissing for some reason and have her kiss me and maybe she might confess to me."

"Oooorrr, you can just confess and if she doesn't like you back then- you know what, she will, yeah she will like you back. You just have to trust me."



Time goes by and everyone has sung happy birthday to Principal Weems. Now everyone is ready to head to their dorms. Wednesday is ready to set her plan in motion.

"You didn't drink anything at all right?" Wednesday asks Enid making sure that whatever Enid says or does is not the alcohol kicking in.

"I drink some soda, but if you mean like beer and stuff, NO, never again, gave me a killer headache." Enid says. "Why?"

"Just asking." Wednesday pauses for a moment. "I need a favor." She says hesitantly.

"What is it?" Enid asks.

"I need you to kiss me." Wednesday spits out, knowing there is no turning back now.

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