Chapter Fifteen

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"Tell me the plan!" I whined as I followed Alexio around.

"No, Historia." He put on a tie and skillfully made a knot. "You'll get too excited and ruin it."

It was Sunday morning, and we were getting ready for church. Alexio was in a nice tux while I wore a white dress and sometights. I don't remember much about church. My parents may have thought throwing a Bible at my sister would knock some sense into her, but they never went to church because they thought they weren't religious themselves.

I sat on the couch as Alexio checked his hair one last time. "Why are you so worried about how you look?" I asked.

"Because this is my first time being back to our church since I first started porn. Everyone is going to be looking at me."

"Oof, that's gonna be... so awkward," I whispered.

Alexio nodded and sighed. "Yeah, I don't even want to think about the shit they're going to say... Okay, let's go."

Standing up, I held his arm and we went to the front door for our jackets. Rosa was shyly standing by Mikhail.

"Where are your parents?" I looked around.

"They went before us," Mikhail replied.

"And we're not going together," said Alexio.

My sister and I blinked. Mikhail asked why. Alexio rubbed the back of his neck. "The seats in the back of my car are filled up to the max with old stuff. You and Rosa will have to go in your car, man."

Rosa squeaked, straightening up. "What?!"

I gave Alexio a quick smile and nodded, zipping up my jacket. "Yeah, I saw the mess, it's horrible."

Mikhail patted Rosa's shoulder. "I promise I'll sing the songs on the radio with you on our way there."

Rosa blushed tremendously as she let out a tiny, "Okay."

The four of us went to our respective cars.

As soon as I got in, I saw Alexio's car was completely clean in the back. "You think you're slick?" I laughed.

"Maybe." He winked.

"She's going to probably check your car, you know?"

"And? My plan is working."

He pulled out after Mikhail and I felt my phone blow up with texts. It was all from Rosa, texting in all caps that she was freaking out...

I ignored her texts. "Yup, good plan."

Once we made it to church, Rosa's cheeks were tomato red after we got out of our cars. Mikhail matched her blush and me and Alexio both grinned at each other. The four of us walked in and the church was full of people chatting with friends and family. Some light music played and a table stood to the side with snacks and refreshments.

Rosa yanked me to the side as Alexio and Mikhail greeted some family and friends.

"Why'd you ignore my texts?" she growled, but not unkindly.

She frowned as I let out a giggle. "You needed the alone time with him. How'd it go?"

"...I asked about his fiancee." She blushed. "He's marrying her because he has to, not because he wants to."

"So ask him out."

Rosa gasped. "Historia, you naughty girl." She whacked my arm playfully. "I can't. That would be unfair to the other girl."

"I'm sure she'll be with other guys, too, if she could... But we'll see." I smiled and pulled her back to the brothers.

Alexio wasn't wrong. Many people were giving him side-eyes while whispering in each other's ears. The judgment was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Hell, even a thin piece of paper sharp enough to give you a papercut.

The Virgin and The Pornstar - REWRITTEN (18+)Where stories live. Discover now