Chapter Eleven

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"He's... He's what?" Rosa choked out, tears filling her eyes.

Rosa's usual cheerful eyes melted to the eyes of someone in utter shock and pain. My heart ached for my sister as she sniffled, blinking her tears away even though they fought against her.

"I see," she whispered, looking down. "I mean, of course, right? He has a successful career, a better life... He deserves someone way better than–"

"Don't finish that!" I snapped.

"It's true, Historia," she sighed, rubbing her eyes and fanning her face with her hands. "Ugh! No, I'm not going to cry over a man!

Alexio apologized for the sad news as he sat beside me. "He told me just now. Wanted to surprise me when I came home."

"Who is she?" I asked.

"...Is it bad that it's the girl my parents wanted him to marry?" he sighed. "He just...gave in. He hasn't told me why or when."

"That's weird," Rosa whispered. "Maybe he just started liking her?"

Alexio shrugged. "Maybe... I'll figure it out."

Rosa nodded and hugged her knees to her chest. Wrapping my arms around her, I gave her a big hug as she remained silent. "It's going to be okay."

She didn't say a word as she nodded. I can't even imagine her heartache. She really liked Mikhail. And I was going to do my best to get them together. Damn, this really sucked. I think they both would've been so cute together.

Alexio got up and brought Rosa's stuff inside. "Dinner isn't ready yet so you can nap if you want, Rosa."

"Okay," she sighed. "Thanks."

Alexio pulled out her pajamas and her towel, laying them on the bed. I squeezed Rosa tighter and told her I would see her later before leaving with Alexio. He carried my things for me until we reached his room.

His room was identical to Rosa's. He had the fireplace, thankfully, and a few of his stuff that he probably never brought back to the US. He had an acoustic guitar by a desk and I went right towards it. "You never played this for me," I laughed. "How come?"

Alexio chuckled as he placed my stuff to the side and winked. "Saving it for a special moment."

"Oh?" I giggled, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Like what?"

"Like when you wake up in the morning naked in my bed," he whispered and kissed my lips.

Giggling again, I gave his lips a lick and pulled back. "Do you think Rosa will be okay? She's never been this boy crazy before."

Alexio nodded. "She should be. You know she's strong."

I sighed. "She just... I know she's insecure because of her job. I think this shook her up a bit."

Alexio sat on his bed and laid down, sighing. I straddled his hips and laid on top of him, cuddling him. He rested a hand on my back. "I spoke to him... about dating a pornstar, and he said he would never do such a thing."

"Do you think it's because Rosa slept with you and–"

"Rosa and I never fucked, babe."

I blinked and held myself up, looking down at him. "Huh?"

"We can pick who to sleep with, I told you this."

"Yeah... But this whole time I thought you both made videos together."

He shook his head. "Nope."

"How come?"

"Because we've known each other since freshman year in high school, it would've been weird. We both decided not to work together."

I blinked again. "Oh."

"I didn't tell you this? I feel like I told you this."

"Maybe you did." I shrugged and laid back down on him. "I guess I forgot."

He slid his hand down to my bottom. I listened to his heartbeat in the comfortable silence and closed my eyes. His body was warm and he caressed me tenderly. For a second, I thought I was going to fall asleep until he slid a hand up my skirt.

"Alexio," I moaned.

"Hm?" His chest made a low rumble. Alexio rubbed me gently through my underwear and I whimpered, raising my hips for him to touch me better.

"Sleepy," I whined.

"Then lay down for me while I eat you out."

I did what I was told and rolled on my back, spreading my legs. My body warmed up some more as Alexio removed my panties. He licked his lips and sat between my legs.

"Your pussy is so cute," he whispered, playing with my folds and chuckling at my little mewls. "I could get used to this."

I nodded urgently, unable to agree with my words as they were caught in my throat. Alexio got situated in a better position between my legs. He laid down on his tummy and his lips hovered above my opening. But as soon as he swooped down to devour my wet core, someone knocked on his door.

"What?!" Alexio shouted.

Yeah, what?! I whined and pouted, wanting Alexio to touch me more. I grabbed his hand and slid his fingers up to my clit. He groaned and began to rub me.

A woman I've never heard before spoke in Russian and Alexio growled, "Why the fuck are you here?! Leave!"

"Who's that?" I whispered and gasped as he sped his fingers, clamping my mouth shut with a hand over it.

"Ignore her," Alexio growled and shoved my hand away. He kissed me as his tongue met with mine.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I moaned softly and ground my hips against him, wanting to feel more, so much more. My clothes and his annoyed me and I moved around uncomfortably a bit, wanting to be naked with him. He pressed his skilled fingers against me harder, adding more pleasure as he circled them even faster.

"Alexio!" the woman shrieked. "You really have another woman in there?!"

"Yes!" he snapped and yelled something back in Russian.

The woman cried and kicked the door before she stomped away. The shadows of her footsteps left the bottom of the door.

Aleixo shoved his tongue back into a deep kiss with me. I shivered under him as I gently pushed him back. "Who was that?"

He sucked his teeth and frowned with utter annoyance in his eyes. "That was Valentina."








Two updates in one week! Hallelujah!

Gosh, I know you all are going to hate Valentina, I can feel it in my bones! >:D

Thank you all so much for reading!

- Sin

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