Chapter Thirteen

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Alexio instantly picked me up and ran into the bathroom.

"Water! Water!' I cried over the shouts coming from my sister.

My thighs burned severely as he sat me by the sink. Alexio quickly removed his shirt and put it under the water before laying it on my lap. Pulling him close, I whimpered in his neck as my thighs began to cool down.

Alexio rubbed my back. "It's okay," he whispered.

"You fucking bitch!" Rosa screeched from the dining room followed by the sound of something crashing. "How dare you harm my sister?! Fight me, bitch! Mikhail, let me go!"

Alexio sighed as his parents and Valentina were yelling in Russian. "They're kicking her out," he said. "Good."

Sniffling, I asked why in the world would his dad force him to marry her. "Was it really about money? Has she always been like this?"

"We've known each other since we were kids," he replied. "She always had a crush on me and never let me hang out with other girls. That's one of the reasons why I never come back here for the summer. I hate being around her."

Nodding, I slowly slid off his shirt from my shaking thighs. I don't even smell tea, she probably just heated up some water...

"I hope Rosa laid a punch on that bitch's face," I growled.

Alexio laughed. "Me, too." He pulled back and checked my thighs before grabbing some cream from one of the bathroom cabinets. He began rubbing it on my thighs. I sighed at the cool feeling.

"Historia, are you okay?!" Rosa cried, banging on the door. Alexio opened it and she ran inside, fear and concern in her eyes. "Oh, I hope you don't burn."

"Me neither," I whispered. My skin was too sensitive. If I do burn, I hope it'll go away in only a few days.

Rosa pulled me in a hug. "I know I gave that bitch a black eye," she cackled. "And if she tries to press charges, I don't give a shit. I got three witnesses."

Smiling, I hugged and thanked her. "Mikhail had to hold you back?"

"Oh, yeah, but he watched for the first few seconds," she giggled. "He has strong arms."

"I do?"

Rosa and I looked up at the same time. Mikhail was leaning against the doorframe, smirking at my sister.

Rosa blushed a deep red. "I... I didn't... I gotta go!"

She ran out of the bathroom in a flash. Mikail chuckled. "...Is she always this shy?"

I shrugged. "You should ask her that, not me."

Rosa, you better thank me.

Mikhail nodded and left the door. Alexio closed it and sighed. He checked my thighs, saying it looked way less red. He picked me up and I blinked.

"I can walk now, you don't have to carry me," I told him.

"Hush, I'm carrying you," he replied as we left the bathroom.


Alexio brought us back to our room and laid me down. He just kept continuing to pull at my heartstrings with all this care. When did he ever start this? He wasn't like this before. He was sweet, but not this sweet.

Alexio massaged the dry parts of my legs and smiled. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah," I whispered. "You're so good to me."

"I mean, it's what you deserve."

"But why are you like this? Are you this sweet to every girl?"

Alexio chuckled. "That question is a double edged sword, isn't it?"

Frowning, I asked him why he would ask something like that.

"Because if I say no, you might think I'm lying. If I say yes, you won't feel special."

I blushed. "So what's your answer?"

"No." He stopped massaging my legs and kissed my lips. "You deserve this more than anyone else I know."

My heart skipped a beat again at his words. I slowly reached out to stroke his cheeks and pulled him back down, kissing him hard.

Alexio moaned. "What are you doing?" he asked against my lips.

"Please," I whimpered. "Touch me. I need it. I want you."

Short chapter today! But I hope you all enjoyed reading!

So you all soon, my loves!

- Sin

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