Found Family

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During the days walking along the tracks, making camps then leaving them

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During the days walking along the tracks, making camps then leaving them. Olivia, JJ and Kiana had gotten closer, Kiana would rarely leaving Olivia's side, something she didn't mind it kept her mind on one thing and stopped it from wandering to other places.

JJ had become more talkative too, Olivia had begun to try to teach him how to use her butterfly knife but he had cut his hand one too many times, so she stopped for the time being.

But she had to admit that it got harder and harder every day not knowing if her family was alive. She wanted to see Tyler and Finn. She wanted to hug Carl and hold Judith. She wanted Rick to tell her everything was going to be okay. She wanted to see Tyler and Finn.

It was good having the kids, she knew that if she was alone then she would have lost it by now. Even though she was teetering on the edge, but who wasn't? She was eternally grateful for those two kids that had saved her life, and she swore on the memory of her father that she wouldn't let anything happen to them, she wasn't going to let any more bad things happen to them.

Olivia had never wanted kids before, she always thought that because her mom had left her she would be no good, but Kiana and JJ had proved to her that she could be a mom. She could be a good one because she already was.

JJ and Kiana were her kids now and no one could or would tell her any differently.

"Maybe we could catch our breaths here for a while," Olivia said as they walked into a little clearing and saw a cabin, just like the one where Olivia found JJ and Kiana

"We're still going to Terminus, right?" JJ asked

Olivia nodded, she still wasn't one hundred per cent sure about Terminus but she knew if her people would be anywhere it would be there, "Yeah, yeah we're still going. We'll just stay here a day or two."

"We can eat these, right?" Kiana asked as she picked up some pecans from the ground

Olivia smiled as she looked at her, "You can eat your fill and then some, nugget."

. . . . . . . . . . .

At the front of the cabin, Kiana and JJ were sitting on the ground whilst Olivia was by the door, preparing to go in and get rid of any Walkers should there be any inside, which she really hoped there wouldn't be.

At the World's end- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓪𝓵𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭Where stories live. Discover now