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Later that morning, Rick rolled out a weapon pack on a hood of a car, "Everybody takes a weapon

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Later that morning, Rick rolled out a weapon pack on a hood of a car, "Everybody takes a weapon."

"These aren't the kind of weapons we need. What about the guns?" Andrea asked

Shane looked at her, "We've been over that. Daryl, Rick and I are carrying. We can't have people popping off rounds every time a tree rustles." Shane added

Andrea rolled her eyes saying, "It's not the tree's I'm worried about."

"Say somebody fires at the wrong moment, a herd happens to be passing by. See, then it's game over for all of us. So you need to get over it." Shane said

"The idea is to take the creek up about five miles, turn around and come back down the other side. Chances are she'll be by the creek. It's her only landmark." Daryl said

Rick nodded and said, "Stay quiet and stay sharp. Keep space between you but always stay within sight of each other."

"Everybody assemble your packs." Shane said as he walked towards Dale, "Keep on those repairs. We've got to get this R.V. ready to move"

Dale nodded, "We won't stay here a minute longer than we have to. Good luck out there. Bring Sophia back."

. . . . . . . . .

After much convincing Shane reluctantly let Olivia help with the search. He had one condition though: Stay within grabbing distance at all times. 

Shane knew that he had to go. He couldn't stay, not with Rick and Lori. He also knew that no one could survive for long, alone. He wouldn't put his child in that situation. It would kill him to leave her, but it seemed the safest option. He never got around to teaching her how to use a gun properly. She had the knife that she found in one of the cars but that wouldn't protect her for long. 

Theo stayed at the RV, T-Dog was getting worse and if they got attacked again they would need the help, "You're thinking, what's the matter?" Finn asked as he was walking next to her, "Is it him?" He nodded to Shane 

Olivia nodded, "He's uh...he's planning on leaving." 

Finn's face dropped, he looked at her, "With you?" 

Oliva scoffed, "Funny thing. No, he's planning on going without me."  The group came across a tent, "She could be in there."

"Could be a whole bunch of things in there." Daryl muttered

Rick looked at Carol, "Carol. Call out softly. If she's in there, yours is the first voice she should hear."

Carol nodded as she took a step forwards, "Sophia, sweetie, are you in there? Sophia, it's mommy. Sophia. We're all here, baby. It's mommy."

When there was no response Daryl walked towards the tent and walked in, Olivia nudged Finn in the arm and nodded to the tent, "Blood stains." She said quietly

Finn sighed, "Shit...Daryl? Come on man what's in there?"

Daryl stepped out of the tent and shook his head, "It ain't her."

"What's in there?" Andrea asked

"Some guy. Did what Jenner said. Opted out. Ain't that what he called it?" Daryl asked

Everyone turned around in circles when they heard church bells ring in the distance and the group ran towards the sound, "What direction?" Shane asked

Rick pointed to his left, "I think that way. I'm pretty sure."

"Damn, it's hard to tell out here." Shane sighed

"If we heard them, maybe Sophia did too." Carol suggested

Finn nodded, "Someone's ringing those bells, maybe calling others."

"Or signalling they found her." Olivia added

"She could be ringing them herself. Come on."

. . . . . . . .

The group ran out of the woods and saw a church, "That can't be it. Got no steeple, no bells. Rick."

Rick signalled everyone to be quiet as he and Daryl opened the doors, everyone walked into the church and saw four walkers. They stood up when the group walked into the building

 Rick, Shane and Daryl each took out their own Walker, "Sophia!" Rick shouted as he opened the back door

Daryl looked at the cross at the front of the church, "Yo, J.C., you taking requests?"

"I'm telling you, it's the wrong church. It's got no steeple, Rick. There's no steeple." Shane said

The same church bell then rang again, everyone ran out of the church towards the sound, "A timer. It's on a timer." Daryl said as he turned it off

Carol sighed and said, "I'm gonna go back in for a bit." She then walked back into the church 

. . . . . . . . . . .

They'd taken a bit of a break, Carol was still inside praying and a few others had gone in to join her. Olivia sat with Finn on the steps outside, "You gonna talk to him?" 

Olivia shook her head, "I want to see if he actually does it. I like to think he won't, cause of my momma. But I really have no idea." 

The pair then spotted Rick and Shane walking towards the rest of them, so they stood up and joined them, "Y'all gonna follow the Creek Bed back, okay? Daryl, you're in charge. Me and Rick, we're just gonna hang back, search this area another hour or so just to be thorough."

"You're splitting us up. You sure?" Daryl asked

Shane nodded, "Yeah, we'll catch up to you."

Carl stepped forwards saying, "I want to stay too. I'm her friend."

Lori looked at Rick then nodded, "Just be careful, okay?"

"I will." Carl nodded

Lori chuckled as she hugged Carl, "When did you start growing up?"

"I'll be along soon enough." Rick said, he held out his gun to Lori, "Here, take this. Remember how to use it?"

Lori shook her head, "I'm not taking your gun and leaving you unarmed."

Daryl handed Lori his other gun, "Here, got a spare. Take it." 

Shane looked at Olivia, "You want to come?" 

Olivia raised an eyebrow, "Really?" A few hours ago she had to persuade him to let her go in the first place, she nodded, "Yeah, I'm going with you." 

. . . . . . . . .

As the four made their way through the woods, a deer snapped it's head towards the group and they stopped walking. Olivia smiled as she looked at Carl who was looking at the deer in pure awe. 

Rick nodded and Carl moved forwards to try to pet the animal when a gunshot ran through the air knocking the deer and Carl down. 

Olivia crouched down immediately covering her head, she looked up when she heard Rick shouting as he ran towards Carl. Shane grabbed Olivia's arm and helped her arm before pulling him towards her

Thank you for reading 


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