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Karen and David were dead

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Karen and David were dead. Someone killed them and set their bodies on fire. Olivia felt sorry for Tyreese, he lost the woman he loved to murder of all things. By a person, not even a Walker.

She didn't know what it felt like to loose the person she was in love with and she hoped she never had to.

"You found them like this?" Rick asked

Tyreese nodded, "I came to see Karen...and I saw the blood on the floor. Then I smelled them. Somebody dragged them out here and set them on fire. They killed them and set them on fire!" He turned around to look at Rick, "You're a cop. You find out who did this, and you bring 'em to me. You understand? You bring 'em to me!"

Daryl sighed and as he went to grab Tyreese's arm, "We'll find out who-"

Tyreese cut Daryl off getting out of his grip, "I need to say it again?"

Rick shook his head, "No. No. I know what you're feeling. I've been there. You saw me there. It's dangerous."

"Karen didn't deserve this. David didn't deserve it. Nobody does." Tyreese said

Daryl went to move Tyreese back, "All right, man, let's-"

Tyreese cut Daryl off pushing him up against the wall, "Man, I ain't going nowhere till I find out who did this!"

Olivia, Carol and Rick went to go forwards, but Daryl held out his arms telling them to stop, "We're on the same side, man."

"Hey, look, I know what you're going through. We've all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now, but you've got to calm down." Rick said

Rick put his hand on Tyreese's shoulder, but Tyreese pushed him back, "You need to step the hell back!"

"She wouldn't want you being like this." Rick said

Tyreese responded by punching Rick around the face, "Stop! Stop!" Carol shouted as she ran to Rick

Tyreese punched Rick around the face again, "Tyreese!" Olivia shouted

Daryl grabbed Tyreese and held him back, "That's enough. That's enough."

Rick stood up and punched Tyreese so hard he fell out of Daryl's grip onto the ground, Rick then kicked him in the gut before punching him around the face repeatedly, "Rick." Daryl said

At the World's end- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓪𝓵𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭Where stories live. Discover now