New Friends or Enemies?

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Rick was holding Carl as tightly as he could to his chest as he ran through the fields

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Rick was holding Carl as tightly as he could to his chest as he ran through the fields. Shane was yelling at the man who had shot him with Olivia running behind Rick, "How far!" Rick shouted 

"Another half mile, that way! Hershel! Talk to Hershel! He'll help you boy!" The man shouted 

"Let's go, keep up, nugget!" Shane shouted and Olivia ran a bit quicker 

They made it to the farmhouse and a old man ran out with people behind him, "Was he bit?" 

"Shot by your man!" 


"Please, please, help my boy." Rick pleaded with the man, Hershel 

Hershel nodded, "Inside, get him inside. Patricia, I need my full med kit. Maggie, painkillers, coagulates, grab everything. Clean towels, sheets, alcohol." He ordered as he brought them into a bedroom

Rick put Carl onto the bed as Hershel folded up a pillow and gave it to Olivia, "Fold it up and apply pressure!" 

"Is-is he alive?" Rick stuttered 

Olivia was pressing down onto Carl's wound, blood all over her hands as Hershel stayed calm saying, "I've got a heartbeat, but it's faint. Maggie IV!" 

"We need some space." Maggie instructed as Patricia took over from Olivia 

Hershel looked at Rick, "Your name?" 

"R-Rick, I'm Rick." 

Hershel nodded, "Rick, okay, we're gonna do everything we can for your boy but you need to give us some room, okay. You know his blood type." 

"O positive, like me." Rick answered 

Maggie put her hands on Olivia's shoulders and guided her out of the room, Olivia sat down on one of the couches, "We're gonna help him, I promise you." Olivia nodded as Maggie walked back into the room 

She looked down at her hands which were covered in blood, which just added to the dirt that was already on her, Olivia could hear arguing from one of the other rooms, "The hell is this! We can't just let people in!" 

"That boy is hurt. He could die without daddy!" A female voice argued 

"But what if they get us killed first!" 

A boy walked out of the room. He looked close enough to her age, the look that he had on his face certainly didn't make her feel any welcome. The boy looked away from her before walking up the stairs. 

A blonde girl walked out of the room behind him, "I've never been in this situation but I can't imagine loosing Tyler of Maggie, so I can imagine how scared you are right now." The girl said as she sat down next to her, "I'm Beth." 


Just then Carl's screams erupted, Beth quickly stood up and took Olivia's hand, "Come on, let's get you cleaned up. Come with me." 

Beth got Olivia away from the screaming as quickly as she could taking her into the kitchen, "The boy your brother?" Beth asked as she turned the kitchen tap on, and helped Olivia clean the blood off of her hands 

Olivia nodded, "Closest thing I have to one." 

Shane then looked around the door, "Liv, we need to talk." 

Olivia nodded before she looked at Beth, "Thank you, for the help." 

"Anytime." Beth said as Olivia walked out of the kitchen, the pair walked out of the house and onto the porch, "Is he gonna be okay?" 

"He will, if he gets the stuff he needs. Me and Otis are going to get them." Shane said, he obviously saw the amount of panic that she had on her face so he quickly pulled her in for a hug, "It'll be okay, I'll be okay. It's Carl, Liv. I gotta do this. I gotta make it right." 

Olivia wasn't a hundred percent certain on what he meant by that, but she knew it had something to do with Lori. She saw the looks, she knew that more often than not she spent her nights alone in her tent. 

She knew something had happened, but it was never her place to ask what that something was. She didn't even care that he was planning on leaving her, she just wanted him to come back. Olivia couldn't loose more of her family. 

. . . . . . . . . .

Beth hadn't left Olivia's side since Shane had left the farm with Otis, the blonde tried her hardest to get Olivia to not think about it. She showed her around the farm, introduced her to the horses, tried to introduce her to Tyler but he wasn't having any of it. 

Lori had arrived not long after Shane had left and she was in complete and utter panic mode, from the minute she saw Carl she was on edge and scared. No one could blame her. Hershel was trying his hardest but it Shane and Otis didn't come back, Carl would die. 

Beth and Olivia were sitting on the porch when the truck pulled up at the house, but only one person got out of the truck. Otis never came back home. 

Everyone rushed out and took the equipment from Shane before running back in again, Olivia stood up and ran towards Shane hugging him the minute she got to him, "You came back." 

"Of course I came back, nugget. I'm okay." Shane said as he held onto Olivia, she could never know what he did to get back to the farm. 

Olivia idolised him, it would kill her if she found out who her father truly was, "You can use the bathroom to clean up." Beth spoke up 

Shane looked at her and nodded, "Thank you." He looked down at Olivia, "I'll come and find you, later. We can talk okay?" 

Olivia nodded as Shane walked inside, Beth following him to show him where to go. Olivia walked back up the porch and sat back down, she jumped when she heard, "We don't get a lot of visitors lately. Just made me jumpy." 

She looked back and saw Tyler walking out of the house, "I'm Ty, didn't properly introduce myself." 

"Liv." Olivia said as Tyler leaned on the railing she was sitting against

Thank you for reading 

This is a shorter one yes I know 


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