Thirty Days Without An Accident

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Thirty days without an accident

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Thirty days without an accident. Beth was the one that kept track of the days. Everyone had made their cell more theirs. They made a run to the mattress store, Tyler managed to bring back a double, he dismantled the bunk beds. 

It was all clean of blood now. It was like the pair had their own home, all of their clothes were hung on a rack Olivia found on a run. There was a desk at the side of the room. Hershel told her to write down in a journal any time she heard Shane's voice in her head, and since then the voice were less and less. 

Finn found a polaroid camera in one of the earlier runs with heaps of film, and ever since the people at the prison loved it. There were pictures in a little binder of everyone the pair loved. 

Carl and Judith, Beth, Hershel, Glenn and Maggie, Daryl with his hand up to the camera, Carol, Finn, Sasha and Tyreese, Olivia and Tyler themselves and Rick. There were even pictures of Shane, Lori and Megan Walsh which Tyler insisted they put in the book. Even though Olivia protested at the picture of Megan. 

Tyler had a picture of them both, but he kept it on him at all times, just in case anything happened. And Olivia did the same. 

Olivia had also been teaching herself how to better her skills with the butterfly knife and in her opinion and the walkers she killed with it, she was pretty good at it. That doesn't make her forget about the scars on her hands from when she went wrong. 

The prison was thriving, it was a proper community. The people from Woodbury all lived in Cell Block D. They took people in they found on the road as well. 

Whenever they took someone in, they always asked the same three questions 

How many Walkers have you killed? 

How many people have you killed? 


Olivia brought in a few of the strangers, including one of the more recent's when she went out with Daryl, they found a Bob Stookey. There were no problems with the Governor since the fall of Woodbury. He disappeared. Michonne and Daryl went out to search for him. 

Tyler and Olivia went sometimes, but Rick was hesitant to let them out again after they had in with a group of men on the road who tried to do the unspeakable. 

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