Discovering Origins and Regeneration.

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I do not own any non-original characters, everything in this is owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Torriama. Please don't sue me... 

Shortly after the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai...

Autor POV

Y/N: What's the progress of the information regarding Kami and Goku?

Uriel: Kami's race is Namekian. Birthed on Planet Namek, Namekians have massive magical capabilities. They also have impressive power and potential for a race with little to no transformations.

Y/N: I see... How exactly do you even know this?

Uriel: I am an angel.

Y/N: Yes you're Uriel, but-

Uriel: My race is angel. Similar to how you are a human, I am an angel.

Y/N: So... angels are real?

Uriel: In a litteral sence yes. However biblical angels do not excist.

Y/N: So no beings with thousansands of eyes?

Uriel: No. I don't know where humans get that idea from...

Y/N was laughing with Uriel, but suddenly he had a seperate question.

Y/N: Uriel... what is an angel?

Uriel: Angels are assistants to gods. I am your personal assistant, as I have been entrusted to care for you by the god of gods, my creator and master.

Y/N was stunned, it explains how Uriel knew the things she did, but there are many more questions to answered.

Y/N: Uriel... what is your true form?

Uriel: I am not strong enough to manefest physically without aid. I manefested once, however I was a being of pure energy.

Y/N: How many angels are there and who do they serve?

Uriel: Unfortunately, I can't answer until you're more powerful.

Y/N: Why?

Uriel: That was a restriction given to me by the lord of lords.

Y/N: I see... What about Goku's origin.

Uriel: He is a saiyan.

Y/N was stunned to know that Goku was an alien and not a mutant.

Y/N: If Goku is an alien, why is he here?

Uriel: Due to the destruction of the Saiyan's home planet, Vageta, he was sent away. He ascaped only shortly before the planet was destroyed.

Y/N: What destroyed planet Vageta?

Uriel: You are unfortunatly to weak to know yet.

Y/N: I see... is there anything I should know about Goku during training? I'd prefer not to be killed, or kill during training.

Uriel: Goku has the ability to transform. If mastered, it will give a 10x boost to his power. It's name is the Oozaru. It is activated by looking at a full moon. The form resembles a large ape.

Y/N: I'm guessing he goes beserk every time he enters it?

Uriel: Correct. He can gain controll trough meditation.

Y/N: I see. I should inform Goku that I will be training him from now on. Can I force the transformation?

Uriel: Yes. By making a artificial moon, you can mimic the moon's affect. It does however drain a massive amount of power.

Y/N: Can he get the power without the moon?

Uriel: Once mastered, Yes.

Y/N: Thank you Uriel, I will inform Kami and Goku of the news. I do have one more question however...

Uriel: Yes.

Y/N: Can I transform?

Uriel: No. There are only techniques that alow you to build power. I would recomend learning a form of regeneration, along with the removal of vital weaknesses. With both of these together, you should be able to regenerate from massive amounts of damage.

Y/N: At that point, wouldn't I just be immortal?

Uriel: No. You could still be vaporised by a large enough blast. You can also be destroyed.

Y/N: I see... but what's the difference between dieing and being 'destroyed'?

Uriel: You are too weak for the answer.

Y/N: I see... What kind of power should I aim for? What is my next goal?

Uriel: I would suggest looking into increasing the sheer size of ki in your body. That should alow for techniques that break the limit's of your body without destroying it.

Y/N: I see... Thank you Uriel.

Uriel: You are welcome.


Well... I guess I should talk to Kami.


Kami jumped out of his building like you ussualy does when I call his name like that.

Kami: Yes Y/N, what is it?

Y/N: Sorry to barge in, but can I use the dragon balls for something? I think it could be important should we encounter a true threat.

Kami: What is the wish?

Y/N: To be able to survive and regenerate from single cells.

Kami: That is quite the wish. The Dragon Balls will be unactive for 2 - 3 years instead of the normal one.

That's moderatly annoying.

Y/N: That's fine. I feel that the wish is too important to pass.

Kami: Well that's fine, I have the Dragon Balls gathered just incase someone got hurt or killed training.

Y/N: Thanks Kami!

Kami was always considerate of things like that... unlike myself.

Author POV


Shenron slithered from the dragon balls, slowly growing in size.

Shenron: I am the eternal dragon Shenron. State your wish an I shall grant it.

Y/N: I wish to be able to survive and regenerate from a single cell!

Shenron: That is a difficult stask due to biology. I shall grant it none the less.

The dragon flashed a brilliant white, and Y/N's power surged. When the light was gone, the balls had already seperated, leaving only Y/N and Kami.

Y/N: Kami... I need you to blast me through the chest.

Kami had a look of shock on his face.

Kami: What?!

Y/N: I need to see if it worked. It's ok, I have a senzu just in case.

Kami thought for a moment, but decided to agree.

Kami: Brace yourself than, Y/N!

Kami shot a full power blash durectly at Y/N chest. Y/N was not defending, and as such the blast went durectly through his chest. The blast hit his heart, lungs, and any other organs. Y/N, however, didn't fall.

Y/N: That hurts quite abit.

Y/N's chest closed quickly, blood refilling his body, and his organs restoring themselves quickly.

Y/N: I can tell that this uses massive amounts of ki. It doesn't take much to turn a lethal wound to a survivable wound. This will be fun to work with.

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