22nd Tenkaichi Budokai

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I do not own any non-original characters, everything in this is owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Torriama. Please don't sue me... 

Shortly after the defeat of Piccolo at Y/N's hand...

Author POV

Ref: Are both parties ready?

Both Krillin and Y/N nod.

Ref: Then let the match... BEGIN!!!

Both Krillin and Y/N lunge at each other, excited to see the development they had, and the results of their training.

Krillin: You're incredible! To think you can still keep up even with my new power.

Y/N: Don't forget Krillin, you still have a lot to learn... you haven't even made it to Kami's lookout!

Krillin: Grr! I'll show you how strong I've gotten!

Krillin charged a strange blast to launch a Y/N, only for it to be caught with one hand and shattered. 

Y/N: It's a powerful attack, but not powerful enough... try getting to the lookout, once you've surpassed Mr. Popo, fight me again.

Krillin was about to retort when he was hit by Y/N's fist, knocking him out of the arena, and out of consciousness.

Y/N: I'm impressed... he was getting close to as strong as King Piccolo. If he trains with Kami, he could surpass him!

Y/N walked over to Krillin and carried him to the waiting area. After Krillin was given a senzu bean, he simply shook Y/N's hand. Krillin was visibly dejected, but not out of the fight, and Y/N knew it.

Y/N: Don't let this stop you Krillin!

Krillin jumped at the sudden words from Y/N.

Y/N: Your strong Krillin, but I know you can get stronger. The only thing that makes you weak is quitting. So don't!

Krillin: Thanks Y/N, I needed that.

Y/N and Krillin smiled at each other before they were torn out by the announcement of the next match.

Ref: Will the next challengers please enter the arena?

Roshi and Tienshinhan walk into the arena. Roshi walked straight and determined, something he used to do, but now was much more evident in his youth. Tien Shinhan had a certain arrogance to his stride.

Ref: This match is a special one folks! On one side of the arena, we have Tienshinhan, a star pupil of the Crane School! 

Roshi flinched at the mention of the Crane School, knowing that Shen would have a fit. He was right.

Ref: And on the other side! We have a martial master, one considered the strongest in human history, the most famed hermit! MUTEN ROSHI!!!

The audience went, for a lack of a better term, ape sh*t. Everyone was cheering on either side when a voice popped out of the crowd.

???: Kill him Tienshinhan!

Roshi: Shut up Shen! You have no right to influence this young man's decisions!

Shen: And you do?! KILL HIM TIENSHINHAN!!!

Y/N: Silence.

Y/N at that moment let out the same amount of blood lust towards Shen that he did Piccolo. Shen almost emidatly was reminded of the tyrant, the force is one that was impossible to overcome.

Y/N: Tienshinhan.

Tien Shinhan looks at Y/N afraid.

Y/N: You are not to kill. Should you attempt to do so, I will destroy you.

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