A tournament, and an evil.

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I do not own any non-original characters, everything in this is owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Torriama. Please don't sue me... 

Just before the 22nd Tenkaiichi Budokai...

Yamcha vs Pamut
Goku vs Chaozu
Krillin vs Y/N
Roshi vs Tienshinhan

A/N: This is the roster for the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai, so no one gets confused :).

Author POV

Y/N was happy that he wasn't paired with that Pamut guy... but was saddened he couldn't fight Yamcha again in the tournament.

Y/N: What a shame, I guess I'll be fighting Roshi in the semi-finals... too bad I can't fight Yamcha! HEY! YAMCHA!

Yamcha looks over with a smile on his face.

Yamcha: Hey Y/N! I've gotten a lot stronger, I hope I get to fight you so you can see my growth!

Y/N: I'm pumped too! I want you to know, however, don't underestimate Goku. He has insane power... if he was even just a little bit stronger, he would be able to put up a fight against Mr. Popo.

Yamcha flinched, as he knew that even if Mr. Popo wasn't as strong as Kami (Yet), he was powerful in his own right.

Yamcha: Well... if I lose you better spar with me after the tournament!

Y/N: I'll do you one better...

Yamcha was confused, but Y/N refused to explain until after the tournament.


Yamcha: That's my cue Y/N! I hope to see you in the finals!

Y/N: Fight well Yamcha.

Yamcha jumped onto the arena, surprising most of the onlookers. Yamcha was fast enough to escape the eyesight of the audience. In the last tournament, there were only a few fighters that strong.

Pamut: I hope you're ready to lose!

Yamcha: Right back at you buddy.

Ref: Let the match... BEGIN!

The second the words left the ref's mouth, Pamut was outside of the arena, being shot out by a blast of compressed air.

Yamcha: Keep training! Then come back a fighter!

Y/N smiled, knowing that he said something similar when he defeated Yamcha.

Y/N: He has gotten much stronger, he'll be one of the strongest for sure!

Uriel: Indeed, he seems to be the human with the most natural potential we've encountered so far.

Y/N: Natural and so far being keywords here, hehe.

Uriel: *Sigh*

Ref: With the first match over, will the next two contestants, Son Goku and Choazu please go to the arena?

Y/N: Looks like it's time for Goku's fight, I wonder what he has up his sleeves...

Both Goku and Choazu appear in the arena.

Ref: Are both contestants prepared?

Both Goku and Choazu nod in agreement.

Ref: Then let the match... BEGIN!!

Goku pounces and knocks Choazu out with one punch. Choazu laying outside of the arena, indented into the wall, is just barely conscious.

Goku: That means I win right?

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