Chapter 15-James and Regulus

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Sirius jumped onto the couch and crossed his legs. Remus sat beside him and put his arm on the back of the coach behind Sirius. James and Regulus pulled over two beanbags and sat down.

"Let's play a game!" Sirius said. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Has he been like this since we left Hogwarts?"

"Mhm," James groaned. Sirius looked back and forth between the two.

"How dare you two?"

"They're joking Sirius, You need to learn to take a joke," Regulus said lying back and bit arms crossed.

"Kiss, marry, kill?" 

"No!" James said sitting up. Last time they played that James got beat up saying he'd kiss Remus over Marlene and Snivilus.

"Fine," Sirius said, a grin growing on his face. "Truth or Dare, Kiss or swear, Double dare?"


"Before you ask, Moony, it's basically Truth or Dare with some twist. I overheard some muggle girls playing it in the village when we went down."

"Sounds fun," James said grinning as wide as Sirius.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Regulus muttered.

"So Remus, truth or dare kiss or swear double dare?"

"Ummm... truth,"

"Ok, If you weren't dating me, Who would you go out with?"


"Excuse me?!" Sirius said.

"I'm joking! Probably Lily,"

"Thought you were g-"

"Bi Prongs,"


"Right, Reg, your turn," Remus said facing Regulus. "Truth or dare, kiss or, yeah you know the rest."


"I asked Reg, Padfoot,"

"Yeah but make him kiss Prongs,"

"Right just do that then,"

James looked at Regulus who had gone pure red. James turned his face to face him and closed the gap. He cupped Regulus' face and leaned in. Regulus opened the kiss and it turned into a snog. When James finally pulled apart, he smiled and looked Reg in the eyes. Regulus smiled up to him and then faced the other two who were staring intently.

"My oh my," Sirius said giggling a bit.

"That was something," Remus said trying to hold back his laugh.


"We said kiss, not snog the face off each other," Sirius began. "Take it to the bedroom."

The front door opened and then closed, and the four lads looked at each other. James held his wand in his hands while Remus took his out of his pocket. James and Remus got up and began walking to the door that led to the hallway. Regulus and Sirius, who had left their wands in the kitchen were behind. When they opened the door, they saw Euphemia taking her coat off. She turned and jumped when she saw two wands raised.

"Oh! Boys, you gave me a fright," she said taking her scarf off. "I don't know what good they are when you're not 17 yet."

James gave his mum a hug thankful she was ok. "Hi mum!"

"Hello sweetheart," She embraced her son and kissed his head. She tried to tidy his hair but no luck.

"Hi Euphemia," Sirius said giving her a big hug. "Did you know James and Regulus are together?"

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