Chapter 2- The Unknown James

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"JAMES WAKE YOUR ASS UP NOW!" Sirius shouted. James sprung up and glared at Sirius. "What?"

"Padfoot, the reason Prongs is glaring at you is because you woke him up when he was peacefully sleeping," Remus said in his sleepy voice. 

"No it's because he called me James," James said smiling.

"Oh dear Jesus, " Remus cried facepalming himself.

"Sorry Prongs!" 

"Ah don't worry about it Pads,"

"Now come on before we miss the Slytherins!" Sirius said trying to grab James' clothes out of his drawers and throwing them at him. Remus stared at them confusingly.

"Well Moony-"

"Don't tell me please the answers clearly not a good one"

The three got dressed and they left the dormitory chatting about what the Slytherins would look like. 

"Wait where's Wormtail?" James asked looking around but only Remus kept walking.

"Already gone to breakfast with his girlfriend,"

"WHAT!?" James and Sirius shouted in surprise.

"Don't act to surprised anyway some girl from Hufflepuff," Remus turned around and faced them arms crossed.

"Well now I'm really upset," Sirius said.


"Well Peter got someone and I don't,"

 Remus stopped in his tracks and cleared his throat. "I beg your pardon, You do have someone."

"I do?!"

"Yes, now can we go."

"Why yes we can,"

Sirius was in a rather cheerful mood afterwards. They headed for the great hall and when they walked in their eyes travelled to the Slytherin table. It had worked! There was Gryffindor robes and some Hufflepuff robes and some Ravenclaw robes and even some Slytherin robes. Wait something didn't seem right.

"Oh shit!" Sirius said staring at the Slytherin table.

"What?" James asked.

"Wrong spell. I did the one that makes you turn into the appearance of the person you like, like fancy,"

"Oh God," James burst into laughter and went to find seats. Remus and Sirius followed still staring at the Slytherin table. "It would make sense now to see Slytherin robes over there."

"Yeah I suppose,"

"Still funny though Pads don't worry," James said while biting on some toast. Sirius nodded and grabbed a bowl of cereal. James then turned to Lily.

"Alright Evans," He said wiggling his eyebrows. "Fancy going on a date with me?"

"No!" She said and turned back to Marlene and Mary. Sirius started laughing again.

"I mean... at least.... she didn't... call you a name!" He choked out. James rolled his eyes and then looked at the door. Lily had walked in. He turned around but Lily was sitting beside him. The second Lily started heading for the Slytherin table and then the three boys turned to each other.


And then another James walked into the hall. All eyes had turned to this James.

"Prongs..." Remus began. 

"Oooo What Slytherin fancies James Potter?" Lily teased.

"Shut it Evans!" James retorted. He turned his gaze back to the other James. The unknown James ignored the stare from all the students and headed for the Slytherin table. The chatter of students started to rise again as the other James sat down and took some bacon and eggs. James turned around and tried to get a better look to see the other James. 

"Jesus Prongs I really wouldn't think you'd have an admirer!" Sirius said drinking his juice.

"Well I wouldn't think a Slytherin would fancy me," 

James had lost his abietite and pushed his plate away from him. He sat staring at his apple juice while Remus and Sirius watched him. 

"Prongs what's wrong?" Remus asked. James looked up at him.

"I honestly don't know it's just weird knowing a Slytherin likes me you know?"

"Not really," Remus said looking at Sirius.

"I do because like who wouldn't love this," Sirius said smiling flicking his hair back.

"I wouldn't," A voice said behind them. James looked up and started laughing. Sirius turned around and smiled.

"Come on Minnie, you know you love me," 

James swore he saw her smirk but she still had her stern face. "Watch yourself Mr. Black, Potter I'm expecting the quidditch cup again this year and now your captain so all the training you can get would do the team."

"Don't worry Minnie, I've got this under control."

"You have a new chaser joining your team to replace John McCormack." Professor McGonagall said.


"Marlene McKinnon."

"Oh Great!" James turned over to the girls. "You're joining the team this year Marls?"

"Yeah, Got a problem," 

"No, I'm your captain this year though."

"Oh Ok so when's training?"

"Can we have the pitch tonight Minnie?" James asked turning back to Professor McGonagall.

"Hufflepuff have it tonight so it'll have to be tomorrow night,"

"I can make that work," 

McGonagall walked off and Marlene turned back to Lily and Mary and James turned back to Sirius and Remus.

"Right will we head back to the common room?" Remus asked clearing his plate. 

"Yeah ok but I have to go see Reggie," Sirius said getting up.

"Who?" James asked following them out of the hall.

"My brother Reggie,"

"Oh You never mentioned him,"

"Have I not? Don't tell him that!" Sirius said looking around. "Alright I'll catch you guys later!"

"See ya!" James said waving. "So what we gonna do?"

"Well we can study?" Remus suggested.

"Nope I'm out,"

"Alright you can go back to the common room because I'm going studying with Lily in the library,"

"I'll just go find Pads,"

"Astronomy Tower"

"Thank you!" James headed for the astronomy tower, taking his time as not wanting to barge in on Sirius and his brother.

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