Chapter 12-Long Evenings

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After dinner, the boys went up to their rooms. Regulus wanted a better look at his own and others. First, he went to Sirius'. It was huge. It was Which was understandable. He had a four poster bed just like back at Hogwarts. He had two red wardrobes and a desk in the corner. There was posters and pictures on the wall over his desk. His trunk was against another wall along with his broom and quidditch supplies. They had been back about 30 minutes and his room was already messy. James and Sirius peeped around the door and looked at him.

"Just nosying around, are you?" Sirius said. Regulus went red and looked down to the ground. "Guess whose room is across from mine?" Regulus took a step out and looked in at the other room. It was neat but there was a warmth from it...books all over it...meaning...

"Remus...?" Regulus asked. Sirius nodded with a grin on his face. Regulus went down the hallway to his and James' bedroom with James and Sirius on his tail eager for his reaction. He took a look at James' room. Quidditch was all over one wall and the other three were red. There was a king bed in the middle that looked very cozy. Like Sirius' he had his quidditch supplies and broom in the corner with his trunk. He had his wardrobe built into the walls and had a desk beside. Something about James' room felt right. He didn't know how or why but it did.

"Like it?" James said with a flirty grin on his face. Regulus rolled his eyes and turned to his own room. Looking more at his own room. Space and the stars were painted on the ceiling, He had a king sized bed just like James' and he had Slytherin coloured bedsheets, There was a big wardrobe painted black, the windows had green curtains and his desk was black with an emerald green seat. His trunk and broom was beside a shelf. Everything was so neat compared to the boys' bedroom.

"I love it!" Regulus said replying late to James' comment about his own room but changing it to Regulus'.

"Prongs!" Sirius called from James' bedroom. Sirius had made himself comfortable on James' made bed. James and Regulus joined him on the bed. It was so comfy he could fall asleep now if he wanted. He prayed his own bed was the exact same otherwise he would have to share with James. He grinned at the thought. 

"What's up, Pads?" James said looking away from Regulus. Regulus deeply prayed James wasn't able to hear his thought. James had some sort of talent in being able to read people's minds.

"First prank of Christmas?"

"ugh Pads, I'm too tired to prank on the holidays,"

"so no pranks until back at Hogwarts?" 

James nodded and Regulus let out the breath he was holding in. The thought of the two Gryffindor's pulling pranks around a house he was 100% to walk into scared him a bit.

"What will we do then?"

"Dad built in the second three goal posts in the back and now we have a full quidditch pitch, we could play?" 

"Yeah but I'm too tired to play today, Tomorrow?"

James nodded and lay back on his bed. Sirius got up and began heading out the room. He turned around at the doorway, looked at them, then walked out again. Regulus stayed sitting but looked around. He knew James was watching him, he could see it in the corner of his eye. James grabbed Regulus and pulled him down beside James.

"Hey," James said holding Regulus who was fighting out of his grip.

"Hello," Regulus breathed still trying to fight James' grip. "Can you let me go?"

"No." James said making Regulus face him. "I want you beside me."

Regulus could feel his face heat up. James looked at his lips then back up to his eyes.

"Are we gonna ignore what happened yesterday and on the train?" James said loosening his grip. Regulus freed himself and sat up beside James who sat up facing him.

"No, I guess we aren't."


"Is that what you wanted to hear?"


"Good. Now if you don't mind, I'll be heading back to my room."

"I do mind." James said fiercely. He really wanted to talk about it when Regulus didn't. "What's up?"


"Why are you being so bitter?" James now sounded sad and Regulus felt a bit of guilt. "First you admit you like me and now you're rolling your eyes at me and barely speaking to me."

"I don't know," Regulus did know. Looking at the look on James' face made him want to tell him. "I'm embarrassed about what happened on the train."


"I should be able to take care of myself and I shouldn't of came crying in like a baby."

"Regulus..." James said cupping Regulus' cheeks. "Don't be ashamed of it. It's what we're here for."

James started to close the gap between their lips. They were so close, Regulus could feel James' hot breath against his lips when Sirius barged in.

"Guys, come downsta-..." Sirius took one look, eyes wide and yelled. " NO! DID I RUIN YOUR MOMENT?"

"Yes Pads you did," 

"NOOOOOO!" Sirius said falling to his knees. "PLEASE FORGIVE ME!?" 

"Talk about dramatics," Regulus muttered to James which made him laugh.

"You're forgiven... this time," James said looking at the lump on the floor. Regulus got out of the bed and left the room but was still able to hear what James had to say to Sirius.

"Dammit Pads! You had to ruin it,"

"I said I was sorry," Sirius said getting to his feet. "How was I supposed to know?"

"Just don't walk in when we're alone."

"I'll keep that in mind," Sirius shuddered. "Imagine what I could've walked in on."

Regulus smiled and rushed downstairs as not to be caught listening. He sat on the couch before the other two stumbled in. Mrs. Potter walked in to have a chat. It was getting late and Regulus was already tired from the journey. He really wanted to go to bed but didn't want to go when no one else was. James sat down beside Regulus and Regulus layed his head on James' shoulder. 23:30. It was really late yet the boys made no effort to go to bed. Mrs. Potter took a look at her watch and jumped.

"Dear Heavens boys!" She said looking at them. "Time for bed, I'm sure your all wrecked after the very long day."

"But mum..."

"James, You and the others go to bed. Ye have plenty of days off to get at the fun stuff, Get some wrest."

She sounded firm and James wasn't going to go against her. The three boys wished goodnight to Mr. and Mrs. Potter and headed for bed.

Sirius wished goodnight to the two boys and went down his hallway. James went to his bedroom and took of his T-shirt leaving him shirtless. Regulus couldn't help but look at him. Woah. James looked at Regulus and grinned.

"Drooling, are we?" He said smugly

"No." Regulus answered way to quickly and turned into his bedroom. He changed into his pajamas and went to brush his teeth. James was already in there and smiled at him. Regulus grabbed his toothbrush and started to clean his teeth. James spat and then walked out. Regulus missed his presence but finished up. He went back to his bedroom and jumped into bed. It was like James did hear what he said in his mind. His bed was badly uncomfortable. Regulus knew James put some sort of charm on it and decided to walk over to James' room. The Gryffindor layed with a grin on his face. 

"I'm joining you,"

"Why's that?"

"You know why,"

"You're right, I do,"

Regulus climbed in and crawled under the blankets. James put his arms around Regulus and Regulus was too tired to actually acknowledge anything. He fell asleep straight away in James' arms. 

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