Chapter 14-Moonys Arrival

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Regulus went up to his room to get some peace. Teasing James was fun he thought. He opened his book and began to read.

Sirius looked at James and giggled.

"You're so desperate," James rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen.

"I'm hungry," he moaned. Sirius agreed and they both went to look for some food.

"I suppose it is late," Sirius said shrugging. "We should all bunk in your room James,"


"It's massive. Don't be selfish."

"I'm not. You can, yes,"

"and Reg?..."

"Yeah, yeah whatever," James was looking out the back at a fox running across the garden. 

The boys stormed up the stairs and barged into Regulus' room making him jump and drop his book. Regulus scowled at the two and went to pick it up.

"Reggie! We're staying in James' room tonight,"

Regulus stopped and stared at the two. Are they serious? It was such a stupid idea.

"Fine," Regulus eyes widened as he realised what he said. Why did he just agree to this. He looked at James who had a smirk on his face and Sirius who had his big grin.

The three moved into James room and looked at the massive bed.

"Will we all fit?" Sirius said conking his head to the side in thought. James shrugged. "Only one way to find out I guess."

James jumped into the bed and Sirius followed. Regulus stood, questioning this idea.

"Cmon Reg," James said signalling him to lie beside him. 

Regulus walked to James' side and climbed in. The bed was so warm like it had been heated with some charm. It felt weird having Sirius lying on the bed he and James had made out on only hours before. Sirius was the first to sit up.

"Let's talk,"

"Let's not talk," James said nuzzling his head into his pillow. Regulus wanted to lie down beside him and cuddle into him but even though Sirius knew it would still feel weird.

"You're boring, Prongs,"

James grunted in response. "Night Pads."

"Night Prongsie,"

Sirius lied down and faced the window. James turned and looked Regulus in the eye. Regulus loved James' eyes. The hazel brown colour and the way they would just shine with mischief or wonder or love. He was always happy. Regulus didn't understand how someone who could always be happy. But that's the way James was. He was always there for everyone and he was never ever upset. Regulus heart pained when he thought of James crying on his own and having no one. 

"Are you ok?" James whispered. Regulus finally clicked back into reality and realised that he'd been staring. He nodded and smiled. James put his arms around him and Regulus lay his head into the crook of James neck. He could hear his heart pounding. Regulus fell asleep quickly.


James woke up in an empty bed. The sun was shining through the gap of his curtains. James loved when it was sunny. He could go out and play quidditch or walk down to the village and get ice cream and walk around the lake for a bit. He could be outside the whole time. James hated being cooped up in a house. He clambered out of bed and walked to the bathroom. The shower was running. Probably Sirius having his early morning showers. James leaned against the door and slumped down the wall and sat waiting. He heard the shower turn off and then the door opened. There stood Regulus, hair dripping. Trousers on but no top. James looked up and his heart skipped about five beats. Regulus looked down at James with confusion. 

"You waiting for the bathroom?" 

James realised he was staring and jumped up. "Sorry, yeah," He walked in and locked the door. James let out a breath he'd been holding in. Bloody hell!

James finished in the bathroom and walked to Sirius room. He was lying on the bed messing with James snitch.

"Hey! That's mine!"

"Shit," Sirius sprang up and fired the snitch to James who caught it effortlessly. "Sorry, I got bored waiting for you."

James nodded and walked to his room. Sirius slowly followed. James walked in and Regulus had his book out and still had no top on. James smiled at him and turned to his wardrobe. Sirius came in and sat in the cushioned beanbag. James got dressed and leaned against the door playing with his snitch.

"Are your parents back?" Regulus asked James breaking the silence. James shook his head. There was clatter from downstairs. James would've let it slide only that with his parents were gone and the wizarding world currently being at war and the Potter family being targets to the other side. 

"What the bloody h-" Sirius began getting up. James silenced him and looked down the hall. Regulus got up and picked up his wand. The three walked slowly to the stairs, wands in hand. James was at front. They descended the stairs slowly. The house began silent. James looked in the living room. Nothing. He turned to the brothers. Sirius was approaching the kitchen door. He pushed it open slowly. His face was shocked at first but he lowered his wand and began smiling.

"MOONY!" Sirius yelled running to his boyfriend. James walked into the kitchen to his best mate standing there with breakfast layed out on the table.

"Hiya Moony!" James said sitting down to a delicious breakfast. Regulus followed but felt really bare. He summoned a T-shirt and James' Gryffindor one came. He looked at James for permission. James shrugged. "You can use it but I prefer no top." Regulus rolled his eyes.

Remus let go of Sirius. "Hi Prongs," He sat down opposite James. "Miss me?"

"No." James said digging into his food. He was lying of course but him and Moony had that friendly banter so no offence was taken.

"I did!" Sirius piped in.

"We all know you have." Regulus sat grumbling. "'Oh I miss my moony,' 'Oh moony where are you?'

"Shut up," Sirius growled at Regulus who burst out laughing. James giggled a bit and so did Remus.

"We didn't know you were coming," James said to break the tension between Sirius and Regulus.

"Mrs Potter sent me a letter inviting me over," James nodded. It was probably true. "So has Sirius succeeded in getting you two together?"

"No, actually he keeps ruining al the times we almost..." James began.

"He doesn't!?" Remus said in misbelief.

"He does." Regulus said glaring at his brother.

"I said I was sorry!" Sirius said feeling attacked. "You know, you're like our fourth marauder, Reggie."

"Lovely." He said sarcasticly.

"Wanna make it official?"



"Because I'm a Slytherin and a year below you guys."

"You can join Gryffindor,"

"No I can't,"

"Peter joined Hufflepuff," Remus piped in.

"No, I put my foot down, I like being a Slytherin, I have friends in my house, I'm on the quidditch team.

"But you always hang out with us..." James said slowly. Regulus glared at him.

"And your an easy target for us and our pranks." 

"No guys please just leave it,"

They stopped and cleaned up after breakfast and moved to the living room.

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