Chapter 5- The Night Before The Game

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The boys turned around to meet Lily Evans. Her red hair stood out amongst all her other features and her bright green eyes caught the boys.

"None of your business Evans!" James said covering his notes so she wouldn't try read them.

"Yeah get lost Ginger!" Sirius yelled after her. She rolled her eyes and sat down opposite Marlene who was trying to turn her necklace into a pair of earrings.

"Oi Evans!" James called over to her. "Know where Moony is?"

"Reggie asked to speak with him when I was leaving," She replied. "Said it was important."

"Why didn't he tell you?" Sirius asked. Lily looked at him and grinned.

"He did," She said. James looked at Sirius who was just as confused as he was. 

"Is it so important that he couldn't tell his older brother?" Sirius whined looking at Lily. 

Lily nodded. "You wouldn't keep your mouth shut if he did tell you!"

"Yeah that's true," Sirius said laying back down on the sofa. James started laughing at Sirius and Lily and Marlene joined in. The two were then sitting and chatting, waiting for Remus to come back, when something came to Sirius' mind.

"Guess what happened today?!" Sirius said to James. James stayed silent for a bit but just shrugged. "Moony kissed me!"

"What? Seriously?" 


"Wow this is great!"

"I know!"

"It's amazing! A true miracle!" Came a sarcastic voice coming into the common room.

"Hey Moony!" James said smiling.

"Sup Baby!" Sirius said wiggling his eyebrows. Remus looked him and gave him a kiss. Remus sat down beside Sirius and Sirius lay his head in Remus' lap the boys started chatting again. Neither James or Sirius asked Remus what Regulus wanted knowing fully well that he wouldn't tell them. After a long debate on who in Hogwarts was better looking than Sirius, James decided  to go to bed early. As he walked up to bed, Sirius whipped his head round to Remus.

"What. Did. My. Brother. Want?"

"Excuse me?" Remus asked looking up from his book. 

"What did Reg want?"

"Oh nothing,"  


"Oh fine!" Remus said slamming his book shut. "He isn't welcome home for Christmas and didn't want to say anything to you because he knows your staying with the Potters."

"Well he can come with me. James wouldn't mind," 

"He doesn't want to!"


"He wants to stay here,"

"Well he isn't!" Sirius said clearly having the final say in that. "Anyway, that's not what Reg wanted to tell u is it?"

Remus gave him a puzzled face.

"Come on! Reggie wouldn't bug someone to tell them he's staying at Hogwarts for Christmas."

"Wow you really now your brother well,"

"I pay attention," 

Remus snorted at that remark and Sirius frowned.

"Fine, It's about James,"


"He thinks he fancies him,"

"Now I see why he didn't want me to know,"

"Sirius please don't tell anyone what I told you." Remus began. "I'm trusting you."

"I won't but he's still coming with me for Christmas."

The two got up and headed for bed. When they entered the dormitory James was fast asleep. Sirius got changed and jumped into bed and Remus did the same.

"You alright Reg?" Bella asked Regulus who was sitting away from everyone in the corner of the dungeon. 

"Yeah fine just nervous," Regulus said looking at her. "First ever game, I'm scared I'll mess up."

"Reg I'm the chaser and I went to our tryouts and I saw you. You were amazing!"

"I know but James is on the Gryffindor team."


"I'm afraid I'll mess up in front of him,"

"Reg if your afraid to mess up in front of someone you like then you really like them,"

"Oh god,"

"Back to the point, Reg your gonna be class out there. Now join us over here,"


Regulus was in a better mood. He wasn't going to mess up at all. He was going to concentrate on the game and not the tall, good looking Gryffindor who would be all sweaty in front of him tomorrow. Regulus shook his head and went back to chatting with his friends.

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